Iowa Old Press

Mitchell County Press
Osage Mitchell County
June 20, 1907

Wm. Lohr was a guest at the home of his nephew F. S. Lohr in this city the first of the week. He was called to Nora Springs by the death of his brother Conrad Lohr. Mr. William Lohr was a resident of this city about ‘57 and ‘58 and went from here to Muscatine. He made the trip by boat down the Cedar River.

Miss Mable Resor who attended the Seminary here two years ago, came up from her home in Charles City Sunday for a visit with her many friends here. She led the Epworth Leaque service at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Miss Resor is a very able leader and the young people are always glad to have her with them.

Mrs Hackett is in receipt of a very neat leather covered invitation to the commencement exercises of the Wisconsin University which occurred at Madison last week. Mrs Hacketts grandaughter Miss Zilla Bagley was one of the graduates, having finished a five years’ course at the University. Miss Bagley is well known to the young people of this city as she often visits at the home of her grandparents.

Mrs Fred Otto very pleasantly entertained sixteen of her lady friends last Thursday afternoon. They were taken in the wagonette to Stacyville where they were served to a sumptuous supper at the Franch House, returning in the evening. The drive both ways was a delightful one and was thoroughly enjoyed by the guests.

A. P. Fox, wife and baby of Fond du Lac, Wis. is visiting his father Chris Fox of Newhaven, since last Saturday. Mr Fox went to Fond du Lac when he left home for himself and engaged in the grocery business. This is the first visit home since the little girl came and it is hard to tell which is the prouderof the little Miss the papa or the grandpa. They will remain until some time next week when the vacation will have to end to return to business.

Last Thursday evening Mrs. R. H. Fiddick entertained a company of young ladies in honor of her daughter, Miss Eugenia. The evening was very pleasantly spent in playing progressive dominoes. Mrs. F. W. Boeck receiving first prize and Miss Jessie Cornwell the consolation. At the close of a most enjoyable evening delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs Will Gardner,Mrs Geo. Hanson, Mrs Frank Boeck, Mrs Bert Day and the Misses Elise Willson, Anna Miller, Maggie Lynch, Jessie Cornwell, Mabel Westlake, Nellie Stephens and Augusta Knoulton.

Mrs Lapham and Mrs Morse are entertaining with house parties this week.

Last Thursday evening Miss Ruth Walker returned from her school work in Kentucky.

Mrs Hunter, an old time friend of Mrs Lapham, spent over Sunday with the latter.

Mrs Howard Babcock and three little sons who have been visiting at the D. Jones home returned to Siseton, S. D. Monday.

A reception was given to Mr. and Mrs Merton Leonard of Minneapolis at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. L. G. Leonard in West Mitchell.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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