Iowa Old Press

Mitchell County Press
Osage, Mitchell co., Iowa
February 07, 1907

On February 8,1882, Rev. and Mrs H. B. Steelman were united in marriage at Syracuse, New York, and on February 8,1907, the members of the First Baptist Church in this city, of which Rev. Steelman is pastor, perpetrated a surprise upon them in celebration of their silver wedding. While Rev. and Mrs. Stellman were being delightfully entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Graper in the country, the church parlors were made to look very homelike by the use of rugs, pictures, easy chairs and sofa pillows. When everthing was in readiness, a message was telephoned to the pastor and his wife that they were wanted, and upon their arrival at the church, they were very much surprised to see about one hundred and twenty-five of their friends there to meet them.

After they had greeted the company, and had somewhat recovered from their surprise, Judge Clyde
in behalf of the church friends, presented them with about thirty dollars in silver and also several
pieces of solid silver,as a token of the high regard and esteem in which they are held. Rev. and Mrs Steelman both expressed their thanks and appreciation for the token, and also for the kindness and thoughtfulness of their friends in preparing so happy a celebration for them. During the evening, Misses Ruth Berger and Alice Lybarger, and Messrs. Bruce and Glen Lybarger played several
beautiful orchestra selections, and Misses Rogers and Stephens sang exceptionally well, the duet entitled, "Will My Dreams Come True". Dainty refreshments were served in the dining room from a table very prettily decorated with cut flowers and similax.

There are a number of cases of scarlet fever at St. Ansgar. We hope it does not spread out this way.
The Wardell school is selling numbers on a cushion which the pupils made, for ten cents a number.
The cushion is made in the class colors, green and white.

Clark and Loren Miller will soon return to Minneapolis where they are at work putting up new telephone lines. They have spent a very pleasant vacation at home.

Mrs J. W. McCulla, is enjoying her visit in California, very much. She will remain there with her sister until next fall.

Mrs Abbie Miller is teaching in the Clyde district this winter. She likes her school very well.

Anton Krulish went to Dubuque Monday with his brother Charlie.

Jas Stewart of this vicinity returned from London, Minnesota, recently where he has been visiting his son M. W. Stewart.

Robert Duenow is spending the winter at Olwein where he is working in a livery barn.

Mrs Frizbee is quite sick at this writing.

Amos Eastman is among the sick this week. The grip is very friendly this winter, for it passes none by.

Mr. E. Chamberlain was in LeRoy Friday.

Leston Elwell and family was visiting friends in Riceville Friday.

Jessie Steele was a recent caller at the home of Mrs. A. Estman.

Mrs A. Harding and son George were calling on Mrs. M. Leddy Saturday.

Mr. Paul has a very sick horse at this writing.

John J. Adams and Matt Kirling have rented the building north of J. B. Schmitz' machine shop and are getting ready to start a resturant.

The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. Loise Grehartz last week, Wednesday.

Lawrence Dewyer and family arrived here Monday and will move into the Kelley house recently vacated by Nick Mueller. Mr Dewyer is the new section boss.

Asa Stacy went to Little Cedar Monday to bring home some cattle which he purchased there.

Frank Runkle and D. Hogan were up from Little Cedar recently hunting foxes. They caught one west of town.

Laura McGahn taught Miss Schoonover's room Monday.

A number from Osage attended the dance given at Brown's opera house yesterday.

Father Jungermann of Alta Vista, was visiting with Father Writz at Meyer a few days but was summoned by the illness of one of his parishioners.

Mrs Jane Grange who made her home with J. R. Schoonover's at Osage died Saturday. She was brought to Stacyville Monday for burial.

The estate of Anton Isaac was sold at auction sale Friday. Matt Gerk bought the eighty acres for
$49 an acre, and Nick May the property in town for $600.

Nick Pitzen, Anton Isaac, Nick May and Matt Gerk drove to Osage Monday on business.

Mrs Helen Greer and Norma drove to McIntire Monday where they were joined by Will Greer and from there took the train for Long Prairie to vist Mr. Greer who is very sick.

Mr. Franks the former section boss, guessed the luck number on the parlor suit at Kraus sisters.

Mr and Mrs Frank Franta left Monday for Ashton, Iowa, to visit an uncle.

The death of Mr. Ruel Aldrich occured at his home here Sunday evening. He had been sick for quite a while. The funeral was held at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

Ed Aldrich of Wesley, was called here by the serious illness and death of his father.

The remains of Theodore Spaulding were brought here from Minnealpolis Saturday. They were taken from here to Little Cedar for burial, Monday.

Dan Jones and H. M. Faville have been having the grip.

Mrs. Harrison of Riceville, is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs Lucy Fox.

Verne Benedict was very pleasantly surprised Saturday afternoon by a number of his young friends.

[transcribed by M.O., August 2003]

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