Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage, Mitchell Co. Iowa
August 17, 1905

Announcements of the marriage of Mr. George H. Sherman and Miss Anna Mary Rodemaker, at Owatonna, Minnesota, on the15th inst., were received by Osage friends yesterday. Both George and his bride are exceedingly popular to this place where they are held in highest esteem by all. Mr. Sherman has been a resident of Osage for nearly ten years during which time he has proven himself to be a through gentleman. As an evidence of his buisness and personal worth he was selected to represent a large eastern firm on the
road and resigned to be at home, and for the purpose of entering business on his own account a little over a year ago. However, he has been repeatedly told that a similar position awaited him at any time he cared to re-enter the service of this company. The bride's life long residence in Osage has been most pure and commendable, bringing out those qualities of womanhood and disposition so cherished, admired and appreciated by all persons with whom she came in contact and extending her friendship to the limits of her
acquaintance. The wedding announcement states that "Mr and Mrs Sherman will be at home at 822 Pleasant St. after September 1st.

Horrible Accident
Little Boy Substains the Loss of Both Lower Limbs.
One of the worst accidents which ever happened in this vicinity took place last evening at the Jas. Carter farm just east of Bailey and two miles north of here, when Glenn the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carter had both legs cut off below the knee by a self-binder. It seems that when the driver of the binder was unhitching the horses at supper time, a number of boys were standing about, when one of the number hung a tin pail on the harness which frightened the horses and they started to run, but being partially unhitched they brought the binder around in a circle and caught little Glenn on the "apron" as he was standing at the back of the machine, the cycle doing its terrible work in severing the legs with the exception of a small portion of
tissue at the front.
-McIntire Messenger

Early this week we are told that the boy bids fair to recover.

[transcribed by M.O., October 2005]

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