Iowa Old Press

Mitchell County Press
Osage Mitchell County
November 24, 1904

Frank Evans, photographer at Nora Springs spent Sunday with his brother O. H. Evans.

Mr. A. Chatman has a new driving horse, purchased recently from S. J. Vaden.

Mr O. H. Voight, the I. C. agent, entertained lady friends from abroad Sunday.

The Misses Blandin are proud possessors of a new piano recently purchased of Hawley Bros.

Mr and Mrs Henry Morse are comfortably settled in the Basford house on Main St. We are glad to welcome them to our little burg.

Miss Ella Crawford, who is attending school here, spent the Sabbath at the parental home, east of town.

Miss Jessie Thornburg was an Osage visitor Tuesday.

Miss Lillian Hoffman, spent the first of the week with friends in town.

Mr. Myron Seely a thrifty young farmer living near Stacyville, and Miss Edith Bird of Fuller, drove into Mitchell last Thursday morning and were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage. They were attended by Mr. Roy Bird and Miss Seely. After the ceremony was performed the party returned to the home of the bride’s parents where the wedding dinner was served. May best wishes go with Mr.and Mrs. Seely as they begin together the way of life. May a full measure of happiness be theirs. They will begin housekeeping at once at once on a farm southwest of Stacyville.

Tuesday at high noon at the residence of the bride’s parents east of town, Mr. Abner Hadfield and Miss Mable Allison were united in marriage, Rev. B. C. Preston being the officiating clergyman. About fifty quests witnessed the ceremony. After a short wedding trip the young people will be athome south of town. Mr. Hadfield is a thrifty industrious farmer of this county and
the bride is thewell loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Allison who came here a few years ago from one of oursister states on the east, but not withstanding their short sojourn here they have made many friends of whom the bride has her full share.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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