Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage Mitchell County
March 14, 1901

Among the social events of the week was a gathering of friends and neighbors at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilchrist, in the third ward Tuesday evening. The occasion was the birthday of Mr. Gilchrist and C.J. Parsons, one of his near neighbors, both being celebrated together. The evening was spent in progressive carroms and various other games of amusement. One and all had a royal good time, which is always in store for a company that meets at this home. After partaking of refreshments, the guests departed for their several homes, wishing both Mr. Gilchrist and Mr. Parsons many more joyful birthdays.

This forenoon at 9 o'clock, occurs the marriage of Mr. E. L. Swayer and Mrs. Sophia M. Hatfield, at the home of the latter in the Third ward, Rev. B. C. Preston officiating, assisted by Rev. D. I. Coon. Their future home will be in Osage. The News extends hearty congratulations.

The American Amusement Enterprise, which is booked to appear at the opera house, has the reputation of being one of the strongest dramatic orgainizations that ever toured this section. Their plays are new and the company is comprised of exceedingly clever artists, both vaudeville and dramtic. Lovers of good theatrical performances should not fail to see this company during their engagement in our city.

William Langrock marketed a load of hogs at Lyle last Friday for which he received $5 per cwt.

A week ago on March 7th occured a wedding in the German Lutheran church immediately after the services, when Miss Mary Bruggeman was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Frank Jeck of Elkton, Minn. After the ceremony, the happy couple went to the home of the bride's parents, where they had dinner. About eighty friends and relatives were present. The bride received a nice lot of presents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruggeman. The groom is a properous young farmer of Elkton, Minnesota. The best wishes of ye correspondent go out to the happy couple. May they have a prosperous and happy journey together.

School No. 2 closed last Friday as do those in No. 1 and No. 3 close tomorrow.

Indications are that the wedding bells will ring again in the western part of the town in the near future.

A number of the neighbors gathered with Fred Cordes, March 3rd. it being his 48th birthday.

A number from this burg attended a rag bee at Fred Krahu's last week.

A number of relatives and friends of the bridgroom were down from Elkton to attend the Jeck-Bruggeman wedding.

A very pleasant wedding occurred Tuesday at high noon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilchrist, in the third ward the participants being their son Joseph and Miss Maggie Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, Rev. B. C. Prestion officiating. The happy couple were the recipients of many costly presents. They departed on the afternoon train for Sioux City where they will spend the week with relatives and friends, returning to Osage Saturday. Very neatly printed cards announce that they will be at home to their many friends at Bakersfield, Cal., after April 15th. The bride was handsomely arrayed in a rich suit of Prunell cloth, wearing a small cluster of roses in her hair. The groom wore the conventional black. Both of these young people were born and raised in Mitchell couty and are held in the highest esteem by all who know them. The groom is engaged in the lumber business at Bakersfield, and has a bright future in store for his lovely bride. Only the immediate relatives were present at the ceremony. The News, among their many other friends wish them much joy and happiness.

Mr and Mrs Elwood Baliff's many friends treated them to a surprise party at their home in Burr Oak Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Nelson McCook of Sumner and Miss Hotchin of White Pigeon, Michigan, arrived here last Tuesday evening to visit Mrs. McCook's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fonda.

Senator J. A. Smith of Osage, was in town yesterday looking to his lumber interests here. The senator is one of the state's best and most popular lawmakers. He expresses himself as well pleased with the political outlook in Iowa, and especially his home county, Mitchell.

[transcribed by M.O., March 2006]

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