Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage Mitchell County
March 2, 1899

Mrs Smith was able to ride up to David last Saturday, the first time in four weeks. She visited until Sunday night with Mrs. Poorte.

Sadie Hocum came over from Osage last Friday evening nearly sick. She was not able to return Monday night.

Mrs. Poorte kindly opens her large rooms for a social next Thursday evening, under the care of the Aid society. All cordially invited to attend.

I will not be visiting my oath of secrecy if I write that Herbert Hocum and wife will be surprised tomorrow night, it
being an anniversay of their wedding. Everthing will be settled down to its normal condition by Friday morning when they read the David letter.

The friends of Mrs. Nixon were sadified to hear of her death, and extend to her husband and children and her only sister, Mrs. A. B. McLaughlin their sympathy.

Willow Avenue
Mr. Sidney Wardell came down from Tony, Wisconsin Saturday to spend a few days with his parents, brothers and sisters.

Charley Nicol has hired Frank Doud of Blooming Prarie, for the coming season.

Jame Hogan and family were down from Kensett visiting her people Saturday and Sunday.

Our box social was well attended and all had a good time. The proceeds were eleven dollars. Isaac Swain, his sister, Eva and May Crocker were out to atend the sociable.

Ethel Knetentges came home with Gertrude Nicol to spend Saturday.

Last Tuesday grand preparations were made for the reception of our priest, Rev. J. Naebers, but, visitors kept him away of calling here. This should have been his first visit to our school. Our teacher had managed everything nicely, the school was decorated, some "Welcomes" and an arch put up, the majority of the puplis had the poems etc. A very handsome address, representing the reverend gentleman's name, would certaintly surprise him. The "Starband" had assembled for a serenade, and the teacher composed a beautiful song in honor of the reverend. May we take the pleasure to greet the beloved pastor soon out here!

Mrs. H. Meyer was a welcome caller at out school.

J. P. Durban was in Stacyville on business.

Contributions were taken for two new statues for our schoolroom.

Deputy Sheriff Decker from Osage was on business here Wednesday.

C. F. Calkins from Algona was here Tuesday. He has charge of a number of U.S. mail routes and looked for the interest of our mails. We receive such but twice a week, which is not sufficient. Can't you push it ahead Mr.

Last Saturday was a requiem for the repose of the soul of the late Rev. Perchong. The members of the alter society approached hi communion in a body.

Teacher H. A Erz spent part of Saturday and Sunday at Stacyville.

Rev. Smith and wife were callers in this vicinity last week Tuesday.

Oscar Eide has been a siege with the "grip" but is much better now.

Mrs. Leschka, of Kensett, is visiting relatives here and at St. Ansgar.

Dr. Bundy made professional calls this vicinity Friday and Monday.

Clifford Thorson was quite sick last week but is now able to be in school again.

Jay Bundy made a business trip to Osage the last of the week. He has secured the agency of the new county map in Mitchell, St. Ansgar, Rock and Newburg townships. This map is needed and should find a ready sale.

Saturday evening the young folks gathered together and very pleasantly surprised Miss Gusta Thompson. They spent a very enjoyable time "tripping the light fantastic toe" at the close of which they presented Miss Thompson with a very substantial gift and their best wishes.

Georgie Hanson, who is attending school at the Seminary in Osage, was up to take in the surprise party Saturday night.

Millie Johnson and two lady friends, a Miss Swenson from Carpenter and Miss Larson of St. Ansgar, came up on the freight Saturday night to take in the dance.

George Everson is home from school and is not going back this winter.

Reports are that there will be a wedding in the near future.

This is to be a masquerade ball in Farley's hall Friday evening, March 3, 1899, every one buying a number has a chance on a bicycle which will be given to the one holding the lucky number.

J. P. Farley and C. B. Larson went to St. Ansgar Monday evening on the special train and came back on the Clipper. Must be some attraction down there.

O. D. Erickson died Monday afternoon between two and three o'clock. He has not been very well for some time but was not very sick until last week Thursday. Dr. Cobb, of Lyle has been treating him but there was little
hopes of his recovery even from the first. He leaves four children, two girls and two boys to mourn his loss.

Mr. Mickle of Howard Co. was calling on his sister, Mrs James Carter, the past week.

Dr. Stinson of Riceville, was calling on her patients in and around Bailey, Tuesday last.

Daisy Bailey was on the sick list the last week.

Timmy Jordan is still very sick.

St. Ansgar.
Rev. Melby will lecture at the com. on Saturday evening, the subject being "Savanarola". He will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday. He will go to Germany next month to enter one of the universities there.

We mentioned last week the christening of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tollefson. We are sorry to have to write that she passed away after a brief illness on Monday, Feb. 27. It was a hard blow to the child's parents and they have the sincere sympathy of many friends.

Mrs. O. Havig has been quite ill.

Presiding Elder Robertson will preach at the M.E. church on Sunday March 5. His having been sick with the grip accounts for his not appearing two weeks ago.

Married- Andrew Nelson and Mary Tufton, from Meltonville, Wednesday Feb. 23. Mr. Nelson is a prosperous farmer north of St. Ansgar, and his friends wish him well in his new relation. Miss Tufton is a stranger to most people here, but we hear her highly spoken of.

Peter Erickson, a relative of Mrs. Lund, who has been visiting here for some time, left last Friday going to Minneapolis.

Henry Holmes was over from Riceville Saturday.

Stanley Schoonover from Stacyville was in town last week having dental work done.

Mr. Eaton was up from Osage last week to see his friend, Mr. Henry Lubiens, who is still quite ill.

Prof. Odegaard and wife spent Sunday with friends in Osage.

Forest Sherman will be employed in the machine shop this spring. Leonard Groth will work in the Mitchell office.

Cale Angeson and Earl Cavett both closed their schools last Friday and are enjoying a few weeks vacation.

P. Redfield Sr. has returned from a visit in Cresco.

Charlie Schen from Stacyville was down here last Friday and rented the Schen hall to the Yeoman.

Mr. Miller from Cresco, an old friend and comrade of Mr. Hocum, has been visiting here the past week. He attended their post meeting last Saturday.

Gus Grosdale and Gene Gillman were down from McIntire last Saturday.

Robt. Johnson and wife from LeRoy were visiting their relatives, the Robbins families last week.

Mrs. Geo. Hammond and little daughters came over on the freight last Saturday morning from Little Cedar and spent the day with her brother's family, Mr. A. Pingry.

Mr. Chapman's family will soon be moving on Mr. Lawler's farm and Mr. L. will move to Riceville.

Ben Nicholas' two oldest boys were the only ones that ventured out to Sunday school. Whether it was the interest they felt in the Sunday school or the fun of being out in the storm, only boys of that age could tell.

[transcribed by M.O., December 2005 & January 2006]


Osage News
Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa
March 9, 1899

Harold Fjeld is assisting his brother Martin who is making preparations to have a new barn built in the spring.

Rachel and Mary Nubson left last Saturday for a few days vist with friends in St. Ansgar.

Dr. Bundy of Osage, called at the home of S. J. Maakestad last Saturday their baby being sick. He is now better.

Mrs. H. Finsand and children are now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. She will leave for North Dakota this spring, where her husband is preparing their future home.

C. Eliason, A. Iverson and Martin More go to Osage this week to act as members of the jury.

L. Strouse recently returned from a business trip to Chicago.

J. B. Taber and wife are visiting relatives at Riceville.

Mrs. J. H. Lonie of Stacyville, is a guest at R. Aldrich's.

F. G. McMackin has his drug store in successful operation.

Alfred Gillette and wife of Geneva, Ia. are visiting relatives here.

Miss Winnefred Williams came home from Cedar Falls last Saturday.

Mrs. E. Dockerty of Spring Valley, Minn. is visiting her son Roy.

Thomas Barnett's many friends are pleased to learn that his health is much improved.

Mrs. A. Beiler is on the sick list.

Herbert Rowland and wife were over from Burr Oak Saturday.

James Wood has moved on the Leland farm east of Mitchell.

Ralph Aldrich closed a successful term of school in the Slauson district Friday.

Ward Grow was up from Osage Saturday.

Miss Stella Bauman returned from Lyle Saturday.

Luinne Hovind stayed at Ingeberg Olsen's the past week.

The Kvindeforening meet Thursday March 10, with Mrs. Taran Norby.

Peter Peterson of Blooming Prairie, will stay with Mr. S. J. Maakestad during the summer, Peter Finstaid at the Brenden's.

Lauritz Olsen spent a few days on a pleasure trip to Kensett last week.

L. McLaren has resigned his position as buttermaker. S. Klemsrud will probably take his place inthe near future.

Clara Norby is stopping at her grandma's Mr. F. Norby.

[transcribed by M.O., December 2005 & January 2006]


Osage News
Osage Mitchell Co. Iowa
March 16, 1899

Antone George Jr. station agent at Otranto station, arrived here Friday to visit a couple of days with friends,
But his father and mother and two brothers were so glad to see him, it was Mondayefore he got started back. Everybody is always glad to see Antone.

A letter from Mt. Vernon apprised Avery Brush that his son Joe was quite sick at that place. A telegram followed and Mrs. Brush went down on the Clipper yesterday morning to attend to him. We hope that it is not a serious illness and they he may soon recover and be able to resume his studies.

The rain Saturday gave promise of a pond for Sunday, but the change in temperature checked the flow of water so much that the electric light people breathed easy. They are thinking that they should have a engine, so as to be prepared to keep the lights burning no matter if accidents do occur.

A long letter from John Hodge this week will be unusually interesting to our readers. John writes interesting letters and tells what he has to say in such a way that it seems like visiting with our modest soldier body who has so much to say with so little boasting. The News feels very fortunate in securing these letters.

A special train of stock went out of Osage Tuesday morning. There were twenty two cars of cattle and hogs bound for the Chicago market. Two more cars went on the regular train. If we had the money which that
train of stock will bring, we would agree to do the county printing the next five years on the best of stock free of expense to the county.

Clint Boynton and a comrade are in Osage having received their discharge. They saw service at Sau Juan being in the heavy artillery. They tell some thrilling incidents of those days in Cuba and as testimony to the Climate and food Mr. Boynton now weighs 20 pounds less than when he left the states although he has added 25 pounds back to his weight since he came back from Cuba.

Mrs. Rabenau does not seem to recover from her serious illness as fast as her friends would like to see her.

Dr Evens is gone to Rochester Minn. to-day.

Carl Golegrove, an elocutionist, will appear at the M. E. church Friday evening, March 17, under the direction of the Ladies Aid Society. Mr. Colvegrove comes to us well recommended. His work has given satisfaction
everywhere. Admission 10c and 15c.

There seems to be quite an excitment in the Bailey school district over the election. It seems the polls were closed a little too previous, depriving quite a few of the voters in the outside district of their ballott, and they
seem to feel a little cross about it.

Miss Lunbeck of Mason City, will speak in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and in the M.E. church in the afternoon, in the interest of the homeless children.

The bank counter made and placed in the corner drug store by Charles Scott, is a little dandy and a credit to the maker.

Mr. Peavy, father of W.E. Peavy, of Riceville, will be married some day this week. His to marry a sister of his former wife.

A son of Mrs Jordan, of Bailey, died Sunday morning of heart disease.

A nephew of Miss Raff visited her over Sunday.

A very light vote was cast at our school election on Monday. C. D. Woodman and Elmer Grace were elected as school district.

Fred Shepard and Dr. Anderson were nominated for our next councilmen at the caucus last evening.

Lawson McCloud, father of F. W. McCloud, of this place, died suddenly at the home of his daughter in Elgin, Ill., on Sunday morning, March 12th.

F. W. McCloud and family drove down to Charles City one day last week called by the serious illness of Mrs. McCloud's mother. Mrs. McCloud will stay at that place for an indefinite period.

John McIntire is still very sick.

A brother of Will Grier is visiting him from New Hampton.

Mrs. Gretenburg, of Osage is in town looking up the machinery business in the interest of the McCormick Harvester Co.

Oscar Bratrude spent Sunday with his people at Spring Valley, Minn.

Prof. McCullom was over to Osage on business Monday night.

The Yoeman organized their fraternal lodge at David last week.

St. Ansgar

Mrs Stovern and Elle Hanson were passengers for Osage Monday.

George Hanson was up from Osage Friday to attend the ball at Lyle given by the P.K. lodge.

The"New Jeweller" has not as yet found a location.

Miss Bronson visited friends and relatives at Osage Saturday.

Fred Falk has sold his farm to Mr. Bedding of Lyle.

Chris Johnson was a caller among St. Ansgar friends Saturday.

Harry G. Farley, Jr. is appointed postmaster at Hustad P.O.

F. A. Penney visited at Stacyville over Sunday.

Johnny Johnson had a masquerade suit on the night of the masque ball here two weeks ago. Johnny feels slighted because this has not been spoken of before. "Too bad Johnny".

J. T. Johnson, of Beloit, Wis. visited with F. A. Penney's family last Thursday and Friday.

B. F. Muldown, of Toeterville, called in our city Saturday.

Mabel Vaughn was over from Stacyville Sunday visiting friends.

We understand that the Springer post office will be discontinued soon.

They say there are some chicken thieves in town. How about it?

Those who attended the K. P. banquet at Lyle report a fine time even if the weather was not of the best.

Kenna Penney, of Stacyville, visited relatives here Sunday.

Mrs Rachel Horner is visiting relatives at Lyle.

John Lang of St. Ansgar, made a business trip to Mitchell Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Giliett returned to their home at Geneva Thursday.

Mrs. Clara Bennett, of Artesian, S.D. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Faville.

Mrs Levi Owen and family who are now in St. Ansgar with relatives expect to leave for their future home in Tower City, North Dakota, about the 20th of the month.

Mrs. A. N. George gave a pleasant dinner party at the first of the week.

F. G. McMackin has rented J. Bamford's home, he having decided to move to the C. M. Rice place.

S. Grettenberg of Osage was on our streets last Monday.

Rev. Joel Milburn went to Minneapolis last Tuesday to have an operation for appendicitis. His many friends will be pleased to learn he is improving.

Ralph Streeter and family have gone back to Dickinson county.

Annton Schulte made a trip to St. Ansgar Saturday.

Miss Bessie Eagle, of Osage, is at Mrs. Theo. Reynolds.

Mr. Graff has hired out to R. N. Ashmore for the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, of Osage were recent visitors at West Mitchell.

Alvin Schulte and wife were over from North Rock, Wednesday.

Farmers in this vicinity are husking corn every pleasant day, a good deal of which is still in the field.

Whlheim Zastro has bought John Featherstone's residence.

Rev. Fitch filed the Congregational pulpit very acceptably Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Stiles recently returned from a trip to Shell Rock.

Tom Oxtoby has bought out Fox and Paulson's livery stable, which he will run in connection with his hotel.

The news of the death of H. W. Rowland came as a shock to his Mitchell friends, many of whom had not heard of his illness. The members of Vanderpoel Post of which he was Past Commander, and the W.R.C of this place went to St. Ansgar Saturday and back to his service at Little Cedar in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs McKanna spent a few days with Mrs. McKanna's brother Mr. Nye in Douglas last week.

Mrs. Henry Winsor from Osage was visiting relatives in and around here last week.

Our School closed last Friday with appropriate exercises.

Mr. Towner of Osage was here buying horses last week.

Bob McPhail has bought the Winsor property in David, now occupied by W. Graves. We hope Mr. Graves will not move his family from the village.

The school board in David decided to have the chimmney rebuilt and the school house repaired inside and outside.

[transcribed by M.O., January & March 2006]

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Mitchell County