Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage, Mitchell Co. Iowa
May 30, 1895

Martin Kittleson and brothers have reshingled their barn which was unroofed in the cyclone last fall.

Earl Knapp and brother of Wheeler, visited at the home of H. D. Holmes last Saturday.

G. F. McKinley returned Saturday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Greenland, Minnesota.

McGillivray Bros. of Carpenter, will soon erect a fine new residence.

Louis Guttman, who resided near Carpenter was missed from his home last Saturday. Search was made for him and he was found in the woods about a mile from his home, dead. At first he was thought to have committed suicide as an empty box which had contained morphine was found upon his person. It is now thought, however that it might have been heart failure.

Mr. Henry Groner died at his home in this township last Wednesday. He was a man of great honor and was well liked by all who knew him.

St. Ansgar
Last Friday the funeral of Henry Groner, of Newburg township, was held in the Methodist church. We will give sketch next week.

On Monday occured the funeral of Mrs. Lohn of North Rock. It was held at the Norwegian Lutheran church. The day was very trying, so hot and windy.

The Bowers and Albrecht families and other attended the funeral of Mr. Gutmann at Carpenter.

Messrs. Rennebohm, Virchow and families visited relatives at Northwood Sunday.

Chas. Miller and family visited relatives at Stacyville last week.

Mass was held at the home of John Sims Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Alexander is laid up with rheumatisim.

Died Tuesday morning at his home in St. Ansgar, Mr. Peter Golberg(Tedamunson) of pneumonia. Although his illness has been short, it has been hard. Great sympathy is felt for the bereaved wife and little ones in this great sorrow.

Rev. Hantel went to Minnesota tuesday.

Mrs. Virchow is sick this week.

There was a good attendance at the Teacher's Association Saturday. It was said to be one of the best ever held.

Thos. Hume has ordered the steam heating apparatus for his new home.

Miss Dock of Mona, was down with Miss Assorsen last Saturday.

The Silver Medal prize contest at Bartie's Hall was well attended. Miss Mabel Stevens was awarded the medal and Miss Ida Sperling was marked second.

Mes. S. J. Glover was very pleasantly surprised on her seventy-third birthday, Thursday by a large number of her friends.

A tea party at Mrs. Oscar Grows' is a recent pleasant event.

Mrs. O. D. Curtis is visiting her daughter at Bailey.

F. A.Franklin and Walter Neal of Evansville, Wisconsin, are guests at Mrs. A.E. Stokes.

Herbert Wright returned Saturday from Waterloo.

Misses Agnes Slawson and Effie Bache were over from Rock Saturday.

Mrs. M.S. Faville, of Minneapolis, made a brief visit among her old friends here last week.

Memorial service was held at the M. E. church. Rev. D.E. Staebler delivered the address to a large audience.

Mrs. Ina Walston, of Sanborn, Iowa, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Chambers.

Miss Nellie Whitney died May 26, at her home in Mitchell. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Staebler at the M.E. Church Monday afternoon, and were largely attended. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community.

Mrs Julia Skinner, of Jules Junction, Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. O.D.Whitney.

Time Given.
I have this day given my son George Brost, his time, and after this date will not collect any of his wages nor will I be responsible for any of his debts.
May 21, 1895.
John Brost.

[transcribed by M.O., November 2005]

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