Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage Mitchell County
April 4, 1895

HOW APRIL OPENS -- News Is Thicker 'N Spatter--
All Over Mitchell County-St. Ansgar All Serene and Ready with an Abundance of Happenings-Six Other Towns Contribute to the Columns

St. Ansgar.
Mrs A. Camp of Norway, Iowa , visited her daughter, Mrs. L.C. Moe and other friends here.

Mrs. S. O. Moe is very sick with pneumonia. We understand her case is considered very serious. Her many friends hope for her a speedy recovery.

Born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rowland, a boy. Congratulations.

Mrs. Dr. Wiggins visited here one day last week.

Mr. Hume, Sr., has been very ill with pneumonia but now is out of danger.

St. Ansgar has plenty of use for doctors these days. It is usually a painfully healthful place but this spring is trying to most people.

Dr. Culmsee and also Dr. Nicols have established offices here.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baker came last Saturday for a visit under the parental roof, the M. E. parsonage. Mrs. B. remained till Thursday of this week. Mr. B. is a traveling salesman.

The young people attending institute were home over Sunday. They speak in high terms of the work being done there.

The parents of Mrs. S.O. Moe are expected this week.

A large class will be confirmed in both the Norwegian and German classes this spring.

Rev. Baker preached to the children Sunday afternoon.

E. Hulse spent a few days with Northwood friends last week.

J. Jones was in town again this week.

Mrs. Ricker returned home from her visit last Wednesday. She visited her brother, Mr. Picknell at Northwood and her niece, Mrs. Myrtle McKinley, near there.

Mrs. Vanderpool and daughter visited friends here last Thursday.

L. N. Erickson spent Wednesday and Thursday in town.

Miss Nina Gibbons in visiting in Mitchell.

Misses Dodge and Baker went to Osage last Thursday to visit institute etc.

Mrs. H. M. Alexander has been having rheumatism quite badly.

Next week the school board will choose teachers for the ensuing year.

A small fire occured last week, one of Dr. Aagason's outbuilding being destroyed.

W. P. Burroughs, the assessor is around finding out how poor people are.

Mrs. Burrough's health is improving.

Mrs. L.A. Jenkins is still sick with lung trouble.

Mrs. Matson has the "grip".

Mr. and Mrs Senator Hattan, who gladdened their old friends here by a visit left last Friday for their Dakota home. Mrs. Hatten was very sick while here but recovered enough to travel. We hope they will come this way again.

A few of Mrs. Dr. Johnson's many friends surprised her last Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Annie Moe will teach the Clyde school this summer. Miss Vic McCulla in Union township, Miss Belle Holmes the Bacon school, and Mr. H. K. Dodge the Belz school, the last two in Newburg.

Misses Edith McCollough and Ethel McKinley, who attended institute at Northwood, visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKinley, Jr., near there before returning home.

Miss Caroline Thompson has returned to Highland Park.

The Normalites have all returned to Cedar Falls.

Mrs M. A. Ricker spent a night with friends here on her return from a short visit with relatives and friends at Northwood and Albert Lea.

S. J. McKinley is again suffering from the effects of wounds received in the late war.

Misses Edith McCollugh and Ethel McKinley returned from Northwood Tuesday where they have been attending Teacher's Institute.

A wedding is expected to occur today. Names will be given next week.

Most of the schools in this township will begin next Monday.

A.M. Walker was in this vicinity recently,looking up the interests of the State Mutual Tornado Insurance Co.

Did you get fooled?

The farmers in this vicinity are busy dragging and seeding.

Jennie Govier and Katie Heal went to Orchard the first of the week.

George Rapp had a narrow escape from a large fire one of those windy days of last week. His wife set a hod of ashes which contained some coals in the coal box covering them up with an old sack and a board with caught fire and ignited the coal. It would have resulted in the burning of the house had it not been discovered and put out in time.

Mrs. Govier, Mrs. Adam Fox, Edna Strunk and Lou Weinberger are on the sick list.

Miss Georgia Wilson visited her sister of Rock Creek one day this week.

Joe Weinberger, who has been attending school in Dixion, Illinois, was called home by the sickness and death of his sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Vosberg and Ross Dockerty of Spring Valley, visited at the home of their brother and mother. The mother Mrs. Dockerty returned with them to their home.

George Fisher of Minnesota, is visiting at Joseph Heal's. We hear he intends to work for Chas. Fessingdon this summer.

The mettings in Osage at the Baptist church have been largely attended by the folks from this way.

The funeral of Minnie Weinberger was largely attended by the neighbors and friends. The bereaved relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of all. Minnie was a child who will be sadly missed by her schoolmates and friends.

Josie and Truman Darling of Floyd, are visiting their aunt, Mrs Otis.

Horace Haight and family have moved into the McGrath house.

Mrs. S. C. Gardner is visiting friends in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jewett were visitors at B. S. Hammond's last week.

Mrs. Wooldridge and Mrs. Ed Hill are on the sick list, victims of la grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Benson took in the soldiers' reunion at Stacyville last Saturday.

Last Sabbath was the time for annual election of officers in our Sabbath school. The old officers were unanimously re-elected. They are W. B. Danforth, superintendent, Ed Hill, assistant superintendent; Mrs. Houghton, secretary and treasurer.

Miss Fannie and Nina Penney are prepared to do dressmaking here. Miss Sarah Wolf, Miss Peterson and Miss Bessie Reeve are also desirous of securing patronage in the same line of business. Now we want a milliner and think one would be well patronized.

S. W. Hill came out on Monday morning's train.

Pearl Chapman visited in Marble Rock last week.

Mr. B. Spangler starts out this week to canvass in the interest of Gardner's nursery.

Dr. Nicholas, of Chester, Iowa has located here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hill are looking for the arrival of their son, Dr. L. G. Hill from Chicago.

[transcribed by M.O., December 2005]


Osage News
Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa
April ?, 1895

St. Ansgar:
C. H. Springen takes up farming this spring instead of teaching.

Mr. Atherton and daughter of Dakota, arrived Tuesday.

Mrs. Atherton of Osage, was up between trains Tuesday to visit visit her niece Mrs. Cora Moe.

Mrs. A. McCulla and infant daughter of Lyle, are visiting here this week.

Rock Creek:
E.L. Fonda returned to Madison, Wisconsin. last Wednesday morning. We are glad to report that his mother is slowly recovering.

E. J. Torney by the aid of a cane is able to walk out.

Miss Agnes Slawson visited friends at Mason City a few days last week.

Miss Marcia Orange, of Saratoga, is a guest of her cousin, Hattie Torney.

James Ashmore sold a fine lot of swine the fore part of the week to a Plymouth dealer, receiving five cents per pound. Jim is a "hustler" and will soon have another lot ready for market.

Rev. J. A. Lapham preached his farewell sermon at Rock Creek Sunday. He goes to Chicago for the summer to study along special lines of school work. During his absence Mr. Markham of Moody's school will fill his place and elsewhere.

C. L. Fessenden's are happy over the "new girl" which came the first of the week to live with them.

Mrs. Ralph Streeter and little daughter, Gracie, of Plymouth, visited Mrs. James Slawson over Saturday and Sunday.

The many friends of Minnie Weinberger were deeply grieved to part with her so early in life. She was such a bright little girl that she will be greatly missed from her circle of friends. The funeral services were held
in the Catholic church at Osage last Thursday forenoon. We all extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vosburg, who have been visiting at Roy Dockerty's returned to their home at Spring Valley, Minnesota, Tuesday.

Mrs. George Beebe was over from Stacyville, Wednesday.

Arthur Crane returned last week to Northfield, Minnesota, to resume his studies at Carlton College.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Plowman of Otranto Station, called on friends here Wednesday.

Mrs. J.A. Wentworth returned Thursday from Riceville where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cutting.

Mrs. Ida Clarkin of New Hampton, was a guest at H. Grettenberg's Thursday.

Mrs. Sophia Woodall returned to Osage Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Stacyville, visited at H.Fountains's Saturday.

Miss Vesula Thomas visited friends at Osage from Friday until Monday.

Mrs. Albert Grover spent several days last week at Josiah Weldins.

Alex McPhail, Sr. died at his home near Mitchell, March 27 of apoplexy. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D.S. Staebler Friday at the Robinson school house and wasvery largely attended. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the community.

Mrs. George Buell of Pipestone, Minnesota, and Mrs. John Buell, of Sioux Falls weee here to attend the funeral of their father, Mr. McPhail.

A young daughter is a recent arrival at H. Becker's.

Mr.and Mrs. Stephen Wright came from Stizer, Wisconsin, last week and are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Jay Van Arnam.

Miss Mabel Flint, who has been visiting at T. S. Reynolds returned Monday to Osage.

Miss Matie Reynolds is visiting friends at Osage.

Miss Stella Ripley returned last week from a visit with realatives at Riceville.

Burr Oak:
Mrs. Dan Whitaker is visiting friends in Bremer county this week.

A son was born to Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. McCurdy March 21.

One of Mr Fuller's boys has been dangerously ill with typhoid fever. We understand at present writing he is slowly recovering.

James Weaverling having sold his farm in Burr Oak will now bid adeu to his old home and neighbors and will locate in Osage.

Mt. Hope:
Fred Clark is on the sick list.

Misses Lila and Edith Rapp are attending the institute at Osage.

On account of poor health Miss Jennie Govier started Monday for the south. We understand that she will locate somewhere near Orchard. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery and safe return.

Misses Daisy and Birdie Clark are again attending the Seminary.

George Spencer and family have moved into their new home.

Truman Darling was a pleasant caller in this vicinity last week.

A few of our young people attended the dance last week at H. Keller's. A great time was reported.

Miss Mae Clark is expected home from Washington some time in May. On her way home she will visit Los Angeles where several of her relative live.

Cedar Avenue:
Miss Louisa Heal visited her friend Rebecca Casey, of Orchard last week.

Miss Jennie Govier closed a successful term of school last Friday. She is busy making preparations for a visit with her relatives in England.

Mrs Darling and Josie of Floyd, are visiting Mrs. Ed Otis.

Mrs. Silas Tubbs is very sick.

Edna Strunk and Lillian Govier went to Floyd last Wednesday to attend the picnic at Echo camp. A very good time was reported.

The people in this vicinity seen to tend to celebrate in Osage.

Mrs. Vosberg returned to her home in Spring Valley from a visit with her brother Roby Dockerty.

Mike Wagner has been in this part of the country buying young stock.

George Carter is improving his house with an addition.

Rock Creek:
Frank Dorsey is nursing a felon on a forefinger of his right hand which keeps him in good humor.(?).

Mrs. C. L. Thrams is enjoying a visit from her parents and a sister from Madison, Wisconsin.

Misses Lillie and Rosa Thrams are entertaining their cousin, Katie Walker of Charles City.

Mrs. W. Horton's sister, Mrs.Martin of Rochester, Minnesota, is enjoying a visit at her home. She expects to remain several weeks.

Miss Ida Fonda and cousin drove to Northwood Saturday for a few days visit with relatives.

Wm. Simpson has his new home nearly completed and is to becongratulated on his neat little home.

Rev. J. Oranger, of Stacyville, filled the pulpit at this place last Sunday.

Mr. Grandy and family of Riceville, were visiting friends over the first of the week.

Miss Belle Shanks of Nora Springs, was a guest of Winnie Chinnn, over Sunday.

Miss Cassie Ashmore has her cousin Belle Henderson from Wheeler, visiting her this week.

[transcribed by M.O., February 2006]

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