Iowa Old Press

Osage News
Osage Mitchell County, Iowa
March 16, 1891

School Notes: Public Schools and Cedar Valley Seminary

Osage Public Schools.
Buy your tickets early.

The entertainment will begin promptly at eight o'clock.

Mabel Tomilnson has been out of school for a day or two on account of sickness.

Several of the little folks will give recitations at the entertainment Friday evening.

Florence Fonda was out of school sick, Wednesday and Edna Emmett took her place.

Miss Creelman's pubils -40 or more- will furnish some fine music Friday evening.

Miss Lois Creelman visited friends at Charles City Friday evening and Saturday of that week.

Tickes for the school entertainment are now on sale at Goodall & Green's, unless they have all been sold. The board was opened Wednesday morning at nine o'clock.

There will be a large attendance at the school entertainment to be given at the opera house on Friday evening of this week. There are about 75 pupils who have parts in the program. General admission will be 25 cents, with no extra charge for reserved seats. Pupils without reserved seats will be admitted for 15 cents. The entertainment will be worthy of liberal patronage, and we feel sure that our people will give us a crowded house.

[transcribed by M.O., March 2006]

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