Iowa Old Press

Malvern, Mills County, Iowa
May 13, 1920

TABOR CARRIES CONSOLIDATION. Both Town and Country Districts Give Large Majority To Measure.
The schools of Tabor independent district and of practically all of Green township will be united into one modern system with its center at Tabor, following the election held yesterday. The election passed without any exciting events, though quite a few were determined to register their notes for the proposition and if possible make the result sure. It was expected that probably some definite and perhaps organized opposition would develop on election day, but such was not the case and only twelve votes were cast against the propostion, of which four were in town and eight in the country. Sixty nine favorable votes were cast in town and forty seven in the country. The total number of ballots cast was 121. The result was more or less furthered by the address on Monday evening by Prof. Macy Campbell of the state teachers college. Mr. Campbell has a wonderful fund of information regarding consolidated schools, and a very successful way of presenting his facts. His stories of the marvelous progress of the consolidated schools in Iowa, and of the great satisfaction felt by the patrons were interesting and inspiring. He told in detail of the successful solutions which have been found for the transportation problem and other problems that have been the cause of doubt among some voters as to the practicability of the system. The question of whether the district might be made too large, he answered with the statement that some of the most successful districts are very much larger than the Tabor district, some of them containing fifty to one hundred twenty sections, while the proposed district here contains less than thirty six. Auto buses are the most successful method of transportation, as they keep the children on the road a much shorter length of time, and they are now serving continuously throughout the year in many such districts. There are now nearly four hundred consolidated schools in Iowa, and the number is growing rapidly every day. The district here will include all of Green township except sections 35 and 36 and the south half of sections 25, in the southeast corner of the township; and also excepting sections 20, 30, 31 and 32 and the west half of section 18 and 19 in the southwest corner of the township. It also includes all the independent district of Tabor, which includes some Mills county and, and the east half of sections 1 and 12 in Scott township. In the southeast corner of Green township it will take a part of a section which now belongs to Anderson consolidated district, and where the people prefer connection with Tabor.--Tabor Beacon.

[transcribed by W.F., February 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Mills County