Iowa Old Press

Glenwood Opinion
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa
November 5, 1914


Raymond Lynch, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lynch, who lived a few miles west of town, accidentally shot himself Tuesday evening at the home. It is supposed that he had gone out to shoot gophers, and in someway shot himself in the forehead with the rifle. It seems the family did not hear the shot, or if they did were not alarmed by it. About eight o’clock, a younger sister went out and found her brother lying on the ground apparently dead. He was brought into the house and Dr. Bacon was summoned. He was found to be still alive, but unconscious. Dr. Agan of Glenwood was sent for, and both doctors considered his chances for recovery very slim. Dr. Livingston of Plattsmouth was summoned for consultation, and the boy was taken to Omaha on No. 9last night, where he was to be operated upon at nine o’clock this morning. The doctors believe that is a blood clot can be removed from his brain, there may be a chance for him to live. Examination of the ground near where he was found, shows an empty cartridge, bearing the appearance of having been picked by a knife, and it is supposed that the boy was tinkering with the cartridge when it exploded in such manner as to cause the accident. This worthy family have the sympathy of all in their misfortune.

Iowa Old Press
Mills County