Iowa Old Press

Glenwood Opinion
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa
December 10, 1914


Clerk Brown issued a license Dec. 8th to Mr. Edwin U. Benton of Malvern and Miss Laura J. Ranne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Ranne of Glenwood. The young couple were married at the home of the brides’ parents a few miles east of Glenwood yesterday by Rev. Frederick W. Long of the Congregational Church of Glenwood. Thirty-five relatives and friends of the couple were present at the wedding ceremony, and a bountiful feast was served to bride, groom and guests. Mrs. Sheets was caterer on this occasion. Mr. Benton is a highly respected young farmer near Malvern, and the bride is the youngest daughter of the Ranne family, possessing many accomplishments. Many cordial congratulations and well wishes for their future prosperity and happiness were extended. After a brief interval, the couple will return to the farm of the groom’s mother three miles north of Malvern, where they will settle down for the pleasures and battles of life. May unalloyed happiness be theirs.

Iowa Old Press
Mills County