Iowa Old Press

Knoxville Journal
Knoxville, Marion co., Iowa
August 18, 1905

A Record of the Week's Deaths Among Marion County People

Matilda K. Glenn was born in Brown Co., Ill., Nov. 1, 1829, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T.R. Gregory, near Harvey, Ia., Aug 9, 1905, in her 76 year. She was married to Richard Rose, March 22, 1855 and in the same year they removed to Marion county, Ia., to the farm on which she resided until within a few months of her death. To this union were born six children - three sons and three daughters - all of whom were constantly with her during her last illness, except one, Lizzie E., who died in 1881 at the age of 18. Her husband passed into the spirit world eight years ago, since which time she has resided with her children.
She united with the Christian church in 1867 and has ever since lived a humble christian life, ever ready to minister to the needy and suffering. During her last illness, she expressed her readiness to depart this life and
enter that rest which is prepared for those who have faithfully followed in His footsteps. Her life, though confined at thome, leaves upon her children a sweet fragrance, an heritage better than silver or gold. Her unselfish devotion, her love, her patience and her hope shall linger with us through life, and through death speak to us. And, after her life of toil and suffering, we think of her as having "Gone Home." A large company of friends assembled at the Liberty church, in Liberty township, where the services were held, and with many floral wreathes expressed their esteem and love which they have for the exemplary Christian woman who had lived so many years in their midst. The services were conducted by Rev. C.E. Fitzsimmons, pastor of the
Durham M.E. Circuit, assisted by Rev. Mr. Tague, pastor of the Attica M.P. church. Interment in the Liberty cemetery.

[transcribed by C.J.L., June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Marion County