Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
August 14, 1924

Obituary: James Patterson died July 29, 1924, at his home in Des Moines, Iowa, after an illness of three and one-half years; his affliction coming five months after his father's death. He was born February 4, 1885, at Evans, Iowa, and lived there until fourteen years of age; then moved with his parents to the farm near Leighton, Iowa, working on the farm till he and Miss Mabel Bland were married at the age of 24 years. To this union were born two sons, John M. and Howard H. His first Christian training began at the Sunday school at Evans, when a mere child. When a small child his favorite hymn was No. 39 (At the Cross), and he would slip to the minister and ask him to sing it. He and his wife moved to Seevers, Iowa, where he worked in the store with his brother, John, several years, at which place he was converted and took up the Christian work which through all his suffering he stood by till death; always ready to lend a helping hand to friend and neighbor, with a smile. Leaving Seevers he moved to Des Moines, entered Medberry Church, of which he was a faithful worker, both in church and Sunday school. A short prayer service was held at his home, then the body was taken to the church, where a large concourse of friends gathered for the funeral services. Many and beautiful were the floral offerings paid in respect to him whom they all loved, the Loyal Men's class going in a body, members of which acted as pall-bearers. He was also a member of the Masonic lodge, which attended in a body and performed the last sad rites. His father and two brothers preceded him in death. He leaves a wife, two sons, mother and brother, Carl to mourn his loss. We will pull the curtain and say farewell to him who has gone before.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County