Iowa Old Press

Fremont, Mahaska Co. Iowa
September 1, 1921

Celebrates Eightieth Anniversary Surrounded by Close Relatives
R. W. Moore, of Cedar, one of the pioneers of this community, celebrated the 80th anniversary of his birth at his home in Cedar on Saturday, Aug. 27th. As has been the custom, the Moore clan gather on this occasion to assist the oldest brother to properly commemorate the event and this year about 115 relatives and friends were at his home. It was a delightful day and a most happy family gathering. Everyone brought along baskets and boxes filled with fried chicken and everything that goes well with it and all enjoyed the repast which was served near the noon hour.

Mr. Moore is one of the substantial citizens of Mahaska county. He has been prominent in everything that was for the betterment of the community and during his term of service as supervisor of Mahaska county he was counted as one of the most level-headed men who ever occupied a similar position. It was through his efforts that the cement bridges in Cedar township were put in and built wide and strong, and although at the time he was critised by some for the lavish expenditure of money, yet his foresight has demonstrated that he was several years ahead of the times, as the bridges are now as good as the day they were put in and stand as a monument to his advanced ideas. That he may enjoy many more birthday anniversaries was the wish expressed by all who attended his birthday party and his many friends throughout the county.

Besides the host there were present: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Votaw and daughter Vesta, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Randell, Mr. and Mrs S. A. Randell and children Pearl and David and Mr. and Mrs. George Randell of Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Moore and children, Richard Dickson, David Foster and John Franklin, of Cedar; T. K. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore of Eldon; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Randell and children, Charles, Florence and Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gwin and daughter Helen, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gullick, of Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Fox and son Leo, of Oskaloosa; Mrs. C. W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Barnard and baby Ruth Maxie and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Moore, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McDonough, of Lacey; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore and daughter Ada Marie, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Witt and children Ernest and Mary Maxine, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. Will Funk, of Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Funk and children, Margaret and David, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. James Funk and daughter Florence, of Fremont; Howard Rickert and daughter Frances Elenore, of Eddyville; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore and daughters Cecil and Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrett and sons Harry and Marion and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gwin, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pierrel and son Winthrop, of Worcester, Mass.; Mrs. Geo. W. Creath, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Acton and children Will, Glenn and Neva, Mr and Mrs. Tom Black and daughter Eva, J. R. Moore, Dr. J. C. Moore and son = John and S. A. Moore, of Eldon; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creath, and children Irene, Wendell and Boyd, of Agency; N. M. Moore and daughters Mrs. Kittie Burrell and Miss Maude Moore, of Des Moines; Mrs. J. R. Oldham and children Mary and Kathleen, of Eddyville.

The visitors were: Mrs. Frances Moore and Wilson Moore of Rose Hill; Mrs. Jane White, of New Sharon; Rev. and Mrs. Swanson and children Mateel , Grace, and LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haines and daughter Katherine, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brown, of Ft. Collins, Colo.; Mrs. Jennie McGlasson, of Kirkville; Allene and Adeline Graham, of Lacey; Mrs. Wm. Boyd and Mabel Brown, of Cedar; Mr. and Mrs. Harve Welch, of Kansas City.

[transcribed by K.F., March 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County