Iowa Old Press

[?] Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
December ?, 1916

A Pioneer Goes Suddenly - William Thomas Tandy
William Thomas Tandy was born November 18, 1844, Keokuk County, Iowa, went home on Sunday morning about 8:30 o'clock, December 10, 1916. He had been poorly but a few days and on this hour was out about his morning chores, when the summons came to come higher and he responded to the heavenly call. Mrs. Tandy, feeling that her companion had been out too long, although it had been only a few minutes, called to him. Receiving no response to her calls, she then called to her grandson, Wilbur Williams, to go up into the hay mow to see if grandpa had fainted up there. Wilbur ran quickly and said, "No grandma, grandpa is not here." The daughter, Mrs. R. H. Williams, hastened to her mother and seeing the gate to the chicken yard unfastened went to look and there she found her dear old father lying on his back, looking so pale. It was such a shock she screamed for her mother, who was still at the barn in search for her dear one. Mrs. Williams, leaving her mother working with the fallen one, ran to call the doctor and relatives. It was soon found the life was gone. Rheumatism had struck the heart, which caused instant death. A neighbor, Mrs. Phenix, said she had been talking with Mr. Tandy, not five minutes before as she too was feeding her chickens at the same time. She said he seemed as usual, talked about the beautiful Sabbath morning. He leaves to mourn their loss his faithful wife, two sons and a daughter, A.B. Tandy of White Oak, W.T. Tandy, Jr., of Leighton and Mrs. R. H. Williams of Oskaloosa, nine grandchildren, one great grandchild, three brothers, four sisters, one aged uncle, a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives. Those who have gone on before are a father and mother, one brother, three sisters and a son-in-law. Mr. Tandy was next to the oldest of a family of twelve children. W. T. Tandy and Mary J. Baston were united in marriage March 28, 1866. To this union were born two sons and one daughter. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last March without a break in the family circle. The first sorrow came when R. H. Williams, the son-in-law, was so suddenly called; ever since that awful shock, Mr. Tandy has been gradually declining in health. For forty years, this man has been serving the Lord in his true, quiet way. He was a faithful member of the German Reformed church at Leighton, acting in an official capacity of the church, also he was a Sunday School teacher nearly all the time of his residence at this place. Eighteen years ago he moved to the late residence in Oskaloosa, with his wife and daughter, when he became a member of the Friends' Church in which he has been so interested in its every activity ever ready and willing to answer to all of duty's calls; faithful to his Bible school class, missing but one Sabbath during the past year and that was the time of the tragic death of R.H. Williams. He was a faithful and helpful member of the Brotherhood, never missing a meeting when possible to attend; he was at the last meeting on Wednesday night before his going home on Sunday. The same morning of his death he was hurrying to get ready to go to his Bible class and church service; but Jesus called him to a more beautiful place. The funeral services were held in the Friends church, Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 1 o'clock. Rev. Stranahan had a most comforting message in the sad hour, text was found 1 Cor. 15 chap. 55th verse. He spoke of the strange and beautiful coincidence--Our departed brother was hurrying on this beautiful Sabbath morning to get ready to go to Sunday school and every member of the numerous relatives that were called that morning, were also getting ready for Sunday school. The college male quartet sang so beautifully, "Looking This Way," "We'll Never Say Good-Bye in heaven," and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." The funeral procession went by auto to the Olivet Cemetery, where internment was made. While the pure white snow was silently and softly falling, the ladies quartet of Olivet sang so sweetly by the open grave, "Gathering Home One by One." Continued on with a poem.....

[transcribed by J.D.P., January 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County