Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
May 18, 1914

NELSON, Samuel was born December 20, 1834 in Green County, PA, and departed this life May 18, 1914. He was married to Margaret Grimes in the year 1855 and to this union were born six children, the oldest dying in infancy, leaving William R. of Havre, Montana, Mrs. W. P. Shoemaker of this city, Mrs. C. B. Hathaway of Fort Smith, Arkansas, Mrs. C. B. Whitmore, of Madison Township, and Mrs. Emma Clute of Chicago, IL. Mr. Nelson moved with his family to Mahaska County, Iowa, in the year 1870, engaging in farming, and in the year 1875, he went into the grain and stock shipping business in which he continued until twelve years ago, when he retired from business and moved to Oskaloosa. His wife departed from this life the 26th (24th) of December 1913, since which time his health failed fast, until he was summoned home, passing away Monday morning, May 18, 1914, at 6:30 o'clock. Funeral Wednesday afternoon, May 20, from Central M.E. Church, and interment in Forest Cemetery.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County