Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. IA
August, 1914

WAS CHARTER MEMBER -- Late George DeLong Helped Organize Masonic Lodge in Oskaloosa
The late George DeLong was a member of the first Masonic Lodge organized in Oskaloosa. Application for charter was made in 1849 for Tri-Luminar Lodge No. 18 A.F.&A.M. In 1854, the required number of members of the parent lodge, Tri-Luminar, applied for and were granted a dispensation for the organization of Seever's Lodge No. 34 of Oskaloosa and so worked until January 8, 1863 when the branch was absorbed by the original body. George DeLong was a member of the Seever's Lodge in 1856 when the state organization convened in this city, and he has been a member ever since. The funeral was under the auspices of the Tri-Luminar Lodge and a large company of the local members in autos attended as a body together with members from Bussey and Tracey. Pallbearers were from the membership of Tri-Luminar: F.D. Boyer, M.D. Gilchrist, Frank W. Glaze, J.C. Barringer, L.W. Clendennon and F.E. Green.

The funeral was largely attended outside of the Masonic association and the following to the grave was extended. Dr. D.M. Edwards of Penn College made the funeral address. Deceased had been connected with the church since 1849, a short time after coming to the country and had been a staunch supporter of its work and effort. Deceased was a man of excellent judgment and conservative character. He was like a foundation rock, solid, dependable, much sought after, consistent. He was known to all parts of the country and his passing leaves a vacancy void that must be regarded with the kindest of memories by those of this day who have associated with him. The funeral was somewhat remarkable in the number of elderly men in attendance, those who have been associated with George DeLong through years of acquaintance and companionship. Interment was made in the Old Cemetery on North Market St., Oskaloosa, by the side of relatives gone before.

George DeLong, born June 22, 1826, died Saturday, August 1, 1914, aged 88 years, 1 month and 10 days. Deceased came with his parents from Perry County, Ohio to Iowa in 1844 and to Mahaska County two years later in 1846, and he has been a resident of Scott Township ever since. He was united in marriage in 1853 to Hester A. Wharton who died October 23, 1854, leaving a child which lived only to the age of eight months. Mr. DeLong was again married December 3, 1855, to Julia A. DeWitt who survives him and to this
union there came ten children, two boys and eight girls, Jennie, Maggie, Ollie, Mrs. Mary Hayes, Mrs. Rose Banres, Mrs. Nellie Scott, survive. Colonel and Lucy preceded the father in death.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County