Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. IA
October, 1913

Frederick Oswandel, a pioneer resident of Scott Township, died unexpectedly Sunday morning, October 12, 1913, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. B. Tandy, in White Oak, where he arrived Wednesday of last week on a visit, aged 87 years, 4 months. Death was the result of uremic poisoning, after an acute illness of only twenty-six hours. Funeral at Union Chapel in Scott Township, Tuesday, October 14, 1913. Interment in Butler Cemetery. Mr. Oswandel was one of the best known residents and a pioneer of Mahaska County in Scott Township. He came to Iowa in 1846 and has resided in Mahaska almost from the first in Scott Township on the old homstead. His wife passed away only a short time before, January 14, 1910. Children surviving are: W. H. of Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Fannie Barnes, and Mrs. Elizabeth Else of Nebraska; George
and Harry of Oskaloosa; Frank and Charles of Scott Township, and Mrs. A. B. Tandy of White Oak. Almost up to the date of death the deceased had enjoyed a remarkable and vigorous health and his sudden taking off was a shock, alike to relatives and acquaintances. The sympathy of the community is with the bereaved family.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County