Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Daily Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Iowa
July 31, 1913

Births - Deaths - Marriages

-S. M. Wallace, Waterloo ..... 36 and Jessie V. Stewart, New Sharon ....28
-J. H. Sipes, Des Moines ..... and Lizzie Gunsaulls, Des Moines .... 31

GIBBONS--Born, Monday, July 28 to Mr.and Mrs. George Gibbons, an 8 lb. girl.

HAMILTON--Born, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hamilton, 902 Second avenue east, Monday, July 28, 1913, a nine and one-half pound son.

PARKER-- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker, ath heir home in Centerville, Friday, July 25, 1913, a son. Mr. Parker is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Parker and a former Oskaloosa boy. Congratulations.

PAGE- Died, of old age and general decline at the home 950 Ninth avenue west, at six o'clock a. m. Sunday, July 27, 1913, after an illness of about three weeks duration, William J. PAGE, aged 80 years, 4 months, and 11 days. Funeral services will be held at the home this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Remains will be taken to Haden Chapel, near Lakonta, leving the house at 7:00 to-morrow morning and interment in Haden cemetery. Deceased has been a resident of Iowa more than fifty years and of Mahaska county forty-six years. He was a much liked man in the circle of his aquaintance. He is survived by a widow and six children. Samuel of Buxton; Mrs. Wilson of Cricket; William, of Florence, California; J. R. of Clark, South Dakota; Mrs Wright of Buxton and Mrs Warner of Oskaloosa. [transcribers note: William J. PAGE is William James PAGE born 16 Mar 1833 in KY, son of Robert PAGE and Mary PARKS. First wife: Nancy COBBS born 5 Dec 1831 in TN. died 30 Dec 1905 Lakonta, Mahaska, Iowa. Second wife is a widow he married after Nany died by the name of Eliza. Son Samuel is George Samuel PAGE; J.R is Joseph Runyon PAGE; Mrs. Wilson is Ruth Emaline PAGE WILSON; William is William Leroy PAGE; Mrs. Wright is Cordelia (Deliah) Francis PAGE WRIGHT; and Mrs Warner is Margaret (Maggie) Lodemia PAGE WERNER.)]

MILLS--Funeral services for the late Marry Torrence Mills was held at the Methodist Episcopal church at Fremont, Sunday afternoon, July 27, 1913, Rev. Fulmer, officiating. The church was crowded with the friends and acquaintances of the deceased who has for years been a resident of Cedar township. The funeral party left Oskaloosa at eleven o'clock a. m. Sunday and drove to Fremont going immediately to the church upon arriaval at that place.

FERRALL-- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ferrall, at their home in Los Angeles, Calif., Monday , July 21, 1913, a son. Word of the advent which came to Mrs. J. H. Pickett of Park Place, states that the little fellow, who has been called George D. Jr, weighed eleven pounds at birth. All doing well. THe grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ferrall, are more than delighted and happy. Hosts of Oskaloosa friends and former associates extend congratulations.

ROSS--- John P. Ross, an old resident of Garfield township, residing on the Beacon road near Beacon, dided of cancer of the stomach, after an illness of more than a years duration, at 8:30 this Wednesday morning, July 30, 1913, aged 60 years, 7 months, and 2 days. Funeral Thursday, July 31, at the Friends Mission on North H. street in Oskaloosa. Interment in Friends's cemetery.Deceased leaves a widow, Susan E. Ross, and four daughters, Mrs. C. A Vlanchard of Oskaloosa, Mrs Durdess of nearch Beacon, Mrs Frad Mattox and [article cuts off here]

[transcriber note: The articles are cut off to the left, but I've transcribed the names I can read, J.S.]

Mrs. Earl Switzer came up from Otummawa Saturday and pent the day visiting at the Ch...Switzer home.

Mr. and Mrs Wm. DeLong and daughtere have returned to their home in Greenfield, Ohio after a ...week's visit with relatives in Eddyville. They were accompanied ....Des Moined by Frank DeLong

Andy Baker of Oskaloosa was caller in Eddyville Saturday.

John Danberger of Bussey and ....Danberger of Beacon were in Eddyville Saturday looking after business interests.

Mrs. Geo. Gilchrist of Oskaloosa and Miss Sue Vance of Roseland...Dakota, were guests Sunday at the home of their brother, Dr. F. E. Vance.

Wm. Hayes returned from Haxtum, Colorado where he had been visiting his daughter Mrs. Della Templeton

Mrs. Cora Strange, of DesMoines and her sister Mrs Aline Haywood of Bussey were called to Eddyville this week...serious illness of their father Wm. Meeker

C. Bonham and daughter, Mrs Josephene Gordon of Keokuk spent Sunday in Eddyville visiting Dr and Mrs. N. S. Bradfield.

Fred Spates of Rose Hill spent... day at the John Krizer home ...Eddyville.

Miss Epple Wylle returned Sunday from Lake Okoboji where she had been spending the past two weeks.

Mrs James Wylle has returned from a short visit with relatives in Des Moines.

Mrs. and Mrs. Wm Chitwood and baby came down from Oskaloosa and spent the day visiting at parental John Chitwood home.

Miss LaRue Black returned to Indianapolis Sunday evening after a weeks visit with her father in Eddyville.

Henry Kitterman has sold his interest in the Kitterman his brother Roscoe. Mr. and Mrsl. Kitterman will pobably locate in Nebraska.

Ernest Boggs who has been visiting at the Foster Home..... [remainder cut off]

[transcribed by J.S., May 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County