Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Daily Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
September 6, 1910

The M.E. Conference. Adjourned Session of the Fourth Quarterly a Busy One.
The adjourned session of the Fourth Quarterly Conference was held at Central M.E. Church, Monday evening. District Superintendent, Dr. C. L. Stafford in the chair. The unfinished business of the year was reported and plans laid for the coming year. Some interesting features of Dr. Allen's report were as follows:

During the past year Central M.E. Church has received into membership 77 persons, 48 have taken letters and 7 have died. Over $2,200.00 have been raised for the various benevolent causes, and $4,800.00 for current expenses. There are 1,046 names on the church roll. During the three years of the present pastorate, there have been raised for current expenses $16,480.00, and for benevolences $7,400.00, making a total of $23,880.00 During the three years the pastor has received 327 into the membership of the church, while 176 have died or withdrawn by letter. The pastor has preached 239 times, has made 110 lectures and special addresses and has officiated at 25 weddings and 105 funerals. He has been out of the city only four Sundays in the three years.

By a unanimous rising vote, the District Superintendent was requested to secure the return of Dr. Allen for a fourth year if possible. The Conference also voted in favor of securing an assistant pastor, and left the matter in the hands of a committee composed of W.E. Kemble, J.B. McCurdy, W.H. Shaw, Wm. J.Howell, and C.R. Lee. Owing to the contemplated removal of Mrs. F.S. Blackwood from the city, her place on the board of Stewards was filled by the election of Mrs. Anna Russell. The matter of securing funds for the payment of the paving tax was referred to the trustees, with power to act. The meeting was largely attended and very harmonious, the general feeling being one of great encouragement.

Following are the Trustees elected: S.W. Clark, J.B. McCurdy, W.H. Shaw, Geo. H. Ramsay, W.E. Kemble, Geo. H. Carlon, Ephraim Smith and C.R. Lee.

The Stewards selected are: A. Updegraff, H.C. Griest, S.E. Barnhart, W.C. Dennis, M. Childress, F.W. Else, Mrs. Anna Russell, Mrs. C.E. Barnard, J.H. Teter, Wm. H. Shaw, Mrs. Lucy Brewer, Miss Nannie Bingaman and Henry Tandy. A Updegraff was elected District Steward and H.C. Griest, Recording Steward.

Following are the committees for the ensuing year:
Foreign Missions -- Mrs. E.Z. Smith, Mrs. L. Towle, W.C. Dennis, W.J. Howell, Mrs. F. Hamilton, Walter White, Mrs. H. Wilcox.
Home Missions -- Mrs. I.O. Kemble, Mrs. Anna Russell, Mrs. R. A. Kent, Miss Lillian Kilburn.
Sunday Schools -- I.O. Kemble, C. R. Lee, Thomas Targgart, F.W. Else, W.J. Howell, Mrs. Anna Russell, J.H. Teter.
Temperance -- John Pendray, C.R. Lee, W.J. Howell, J.H. Teter, Mrs. E.Z. Smith, John Ramsay.
Educatin -- F.W. Else.
Freedmen's Aid -- Same as on Sunday Schools.
Hospitals -- Dr. Abbott, Rosetta Minor, A.J. Walsmith.
Church Records -- E.H. Warning.
Auditing Accounts -- F.W. Else, J.B. McCurdy, H.C. Griest.
Parsonage and Furniture -- W.H. Shaw, C.R. Lee, E.D. Brewer, Mrs. F.W. Else, Mrs. W.E. Kemble.
Church Music -- J.J. Tomy, Mrs. Frank Baker, A.J. Walsmith, W.E. Kemble, C.R. Lee, Mrs. C.R.Lee.
Estimating Preacher's Salary -- S.W. Clark, Geo. H. Ramsay, W.H. Shaw, W.E. Kemble, F.E. Gordon.
Conference Claimants -- Same as on Estimating Preacher's Salary.
Thomas F.McLearn was recommended to the District Conference for license as a local preacher.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County