Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
January, 1910

OSWANDEL -- Catherine (Butler) Oswandel was born in Germany, October 30, 1836, and died of pneumonia at her home in Scott Township, January 14, 1910. Deceased came with her parents to this country in 1852 spending twenty-six days in crossing the Atlantic. They stopped in Ohio six months, thence they came to Lee County, Iowa, where they remained until the spring of 1853 when they came to Mahaska County and located west of Oskaloosa. She was the third child of a family of nine; her father, mother, one sister and two brothers have preceded her to the great beyond. Her remaining brother and sisters are Henry Butler, Leighton, Iowa; Mrs. Jacob Baily, Orange, California; Mrs. Daniel Neuenschwander, Olympia, Washington; Mrs. Lizzie Hower, Creston, Iowa; and Mrs. Peter Herstein, Culsom, Illinois. Deceased was married on April 15, 1860 to Frederick Oswandel. To this union was born nine children, eight of whom are living and were with the husband and father at her beside during her last illness of ten short days. Her's has been a life of usefulness, a life of sacrifice. During the harvest of 1875, her husband was thrown from his seat on a reaper over into the sickle and his right arm was severed and also the thumb from his left hand. Thus fell upon her the principal support and care of the family of small children. No sacrifice seemed too great for her to give; no mountain of difficulties was so high but she could mount to its summit. Her long hours of toil and sacrifice have been crowned with reward. "Her children rise up and call her blessed." Her delight was to see others happy and to make them happy. To all the children of the neighborhood she was know as Grandma and she always had something to make their hearts glad whenever they called to see her. She was converted early in life and joined the Presbyterian church of which she was a member until her death. And although 73 years old, she was an active member of the Ladies' Aid and attended most of their meetings. The members of her immediate family, aside from the husband are: W.H. Oswandel, Denver, Colorado; Mrs. W. H. Barens, Litchfield, Nebraska; Mrs. J.J. Else, Hazard, Nebraska; George, Frank, Charlie, Harry and Mrs. A.B. Tandy, all of this county. The funeral was held from Scott Union church, Sunday, January 16, conducted by Rev. McFerran of Oskaloosa. The floral offerings from friends and neighbors were beautiful and the casket was covered with flowers such as she always admired and had about her during life. She was followed to her last resting place by a large company of sorrowing relatives and friends and she was laid away in a beautiful spot in the Butler Cemetery under the shade of an evergreen which she herself had planted years ago. One more home is wrapped in sorrow. One more chair, a vacant seat. Hushed the voice that would always greet us. And to us was music sweet. One more earthly tie is severed. One more race is run. One more link in the chain up yonder. One more crown is won.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County