Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
May 21, 1909

MONTGOMERY, Robert F., a well known citizen and business man of Oskaloosa, died suddenly and unexpectedly at his home, No. 1242 C Avenue East, at nine o'clock p.m., Friday, May 21st, 1909. Death was the result of heart trouble induced by a fit of coughing. Mr. Montgomery was taken suddenly and violently ill two weeks ago today, Saturday, with a trouble of the liver and attendant complications. He was in a critical condition for a time and a consultation of physicians was held. He rallied, however, and has been convalescing rapidly. He was so much better Friday that he was considering the advisability of getting out of the house within a short time. A sister, Miss Henrietta, who has been at the bedside, had departed at five o'clock on the Burlington for Chicago. She was intercepted by telegram en route and returned to the city Saturday morning. The coughing came on suddenly and was severe. Mr. Montgomery sprang from bed to a chair nearby in which he passed away. The exertion of coughing, and consequent fatigue and exhaustion were more than the heart, weakened by the other complications, could endure and death ensued. The death comes as a surprise and a shock to the many friends of the family and the people of the city. Mr. Montgomery was in the prime of life, seemingly in perfect health. He was a good natured, whole-souled fellow, always pleasant and friendly with everyone. A few days prior to his illness, he was talking to a friend and remarked that he had never had a day of sickness in his life and did not know the sensation of being ill. Within a short time he was so sick that he could not reach home unassisted. The family has resided in Oskaloosa about eight years and in Mahaska County about twenty-four years. Mr. Montgomery was born at Quincy, Illinois, November 15, 1861, came to Iowa in 1882, and has been variously engaged. He became interested in the coal fields of the state and was a successful operator in various mines, being recently connected with a producing property at Fishville, near the Evans field. He was also interested in the implement business in Oskaloosa being associated with Lewis Bros. for a time. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. R. Belle Montgomery, and a son, Horace L., who is engaged as messenger with the United States Express Company; two brothers, William of St. Louis and Charles M. who is in Spain; and four sisters, Miss Henrietta, who has been a missionary to China for a period of twenty years and was home on a vacation visit; Mrs. Janney Street of Fort Wayne, Indiana, who was also in the city at the time of the death, and Mrs. R. E. Harris of Detroit, Michigan. The mother and third sister, Mrs. Thomas Branigan, are residents of New Mexico. Mrs. Montgomery is a daughter of Dr. Aiken, formerly a well known physician practicing at Leighton and is a sister of Mrs. J. W. Jarnigan. Funeral at the late residence at two-thirty o-clock Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Triluminar Lodge A.F.&A.M. of which order he was a member. Interment in Forest Cemetery.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County