Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. IA
March 1907

Birthday Party.
A unique surprise was carried out on Henry Tandy and family March 5th. This special date was Mr. Tandy's 60th birthday. He made the statement if his children would plan to celebrate his birthday, he would comply with the request made by his wife and daughter, Pearl, to shave off his beard. The plans were made by the immediate family for the two married daughters, Mrs. J. Butler and Mrs. F. O. Oswandel with their families to spend the day at the parental home. However, these two daughters had other plans which they did not reveal and with very innocent faces accepted the invitation.

March 5th at about 11 a.m., a company of 35 arrived at this pleasant rural home. The surprise was a complete one and the raiders took possession, reversing the usual custom of raiders instead of filling empty baskets, they began to empty well filled ones while the members of the household stood and with wondering eyes just looked on. The tidy spread table with only ten plates arranged for was lengthened to a table just twice as long and places for twenty instead. Thus, the day passed with words of cheer and laughter. Ice cream was served in the afternoon and graphaphone music was furnished. It was much regretted that all who were invited could not be there. Some were kept away on account of sickness in the home, while others could not plow through the mud for such a distance. The day was dark and dreary and the mud was very weary.Yet with light hearts and a sociable time the sun shone within and we did not mind the clouds. May many more such plesant meetings be ours. One Present.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County