Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska co. Iowa
July, 1906

THE TANDY REUNION: Happy Time Had on the Iowa Yearly Meeting Grounds.

The Tandy reunion picnic was held July 4, 1906, on the Yearly Meeting grounds. This is the fourth annual reunion. It was a day to be remembered, for everybody had a good time.

About ten o'clock the picnickers began to assemble and the time soon passed and the noon hour soon arrived. The tables were loaded to the groaning capacity. The jolly people soon surrounded the table and before testing the results of culinary art, sang effectively "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Then N. K. Williams led in a fervent prayer, which caused all to remember how our Father in Heaven had blessed us and given us another Fourth. Seventy people helped to empty plates and platters. Soon after the tables were cleared the
crowd assembled in the large, comfortable Yearly Meeting house, where A.H. Tandy, president of the organiation, called the meeting to order and the following program was rendered:
Song, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."
A number of fervent sentence prayers.
Recitation -- Raymond Black.
Recitation -- Fred Tandy.
Song -- Clarence and Myrl Tandy.
Recitation -- Roxy Tandy.
Song -- Pearl Tandy, Eva Norris and Fred Oswandel.
Recitation -- Clarence and Myrl Tandy.
Recitation -- Ethel Tandy.
Song -- Roxy and Edith Tandy.
Recitation -- Floyd Vermulen.
Recitation -- Clara Beagle.
Song -- S.H. Tandy and family.
Recitation -- Lawrence Ryan
Vocal Solo -- Pearl Tandy.
Recitation -- Roy Tandy.
Solo -- Raymond Black.
Recitation - Grace Henley.
Recitation -- Charles Tandy.
Duet -- Mr. and Mrs. Blew.
Talk -- W. T. Tandy, Sr.
Talk -- Mr. Zaring
Talk - Henry Tandy.
Talk -- Frances Webb.
Talk -- "My Trip Across the Atlantic," Mrs. S. Norris.
Talk -- "When I was a Naughty Little Girl," Mrs. Henry Tandy.
Talk -- "Cuba." N. K. Williams.
Talk -- Mr. Morrison.

About one hundred people were present in the afternoon to hear the program. Sec'y A. B. Tandy read the minutes of the last reunion, held at the home of Henry Tandy, July 4, 1905. Officers were then elected: A.H. Tandy, president; A.B. Tandy, secretary. "God Be With You" was then sung as the closing song, and benediction was pronounced by Mr. Blew. The crowd dispersed, feeling that a happy and helpful day was closing and desiring the privilege to attend more reunions of the same character.

[transcribed by J.D.P., February 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County