Iowa Old Press

Oskaloosa Weekly Herald
Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., Iowa
December 11, 1902

Following is the list of marriage licenses issued by the clerk since our last report:

NO.      NAME           RESIDENCE       AGE
6970     W.H. RIGGS,  OSKALOOSA    26
6970     MABEL L. HAYS, OSKALOOSA   21
BRILL - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brill, December 1, 1902, a nine pound boy.  Mother and son doing nicely.

RAMSAY - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay of Beacon, Friday evening December 5, 1902, a girl.  Mother and daughter doing nicely.

RIGGS - HAYS - Married at the parsonage of the Central M.E. Church Saturday, December 6, 1902 at 2:00 o'clock p.m., William H. Riggs and Mabel L. Hays both of Oskaloosa, Rev. J.W. Somerville officiating.

McCAFFREY - Died at the home of the parents in East Harrison township at 12:40 a.m., Monday, December 8, 1902 of consumption, George P. McCaffrey, aged 28 years.  Deceased had been ailing for about a year.  The funeral will take place from the residence at 10:30pm, December 9, and interment will be made in Forest cemetery.

EDGTON - Died at her home, Saturday morning, December 6, 1902 at 9:55 o'clock, of old age.  Mrs. Nancy Edgton, aged 83 years. The funeral took place at the residence Monday at 2 p.m.  Interment in Forest cemetery.  Deceased leaves to daughters and three sons.

MORRIS - Died of typhoid fever, at his home in Evans, at 3:30 a.m., Friday, December 5, 1902, Walter Morris, aged 35 years. Funeral Sunday afternoon at one o'clock from te Evans M.E. Church and interment in Forest Cemetery.  He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter.

Iowa Old Press
Mahaska County