Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
June 21, 1922

Margaret and Florence CUTLER, Marie RYAN and Celia NOLAN, escaped serious injury when the car in which they were riding overturned in the grader ditch. Margaret CUTLER's wrist was broken. She was the driver.

Rabies were reported in cattle on the MCCALL farm in Monroe Township.

J. W. CLOVERDALE, national secretary of the American Farm Bureau, was the speaker a the third annual picnic of the Madison County Farm Bureau held in Winterset.

Harold Penn, 16 and Edna Penn, 15, children of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Penn of near Pitzer, were both killed when the car in which they were riding overturned in a deep ditch on a narrow road south of Earlham.

The board of supervisors let a contract for one of the early federal aid road improvement projects in Madison County. It was the stretch of road between Tileville and Patterson, designated as Primary road 169.

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