Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
September 22, 1920


On Thursday, September 9th, there passed over the Great Divide, another of thesmall group of pioneers who came to this county prior to 1850 --- Abraham PalliusBEEDLE, who was born in Illinois in the year 1844.
His father, John R. BEEDLE, was one of the first settlers in Union Township, locatingjust west of the present site of the "GREENWOOD" school in Union Townshipin 1846. Two years later the family moved a short distance east, where the subjectof this sketch, A. P. BEEDLE lived for a period of 74 years. At this time therewere but a few scattered cabins in what is now a prosperous farming region, and thecounty was not yet divided into the first three townships, Union, Center and South,until three years after the BEEDLE'S settled in
Union. (Township)
He was married in this county in 1864.
Mr. BEEDLE is survived by his faithful companion of pioneer days, whose maidenname was Rachel Murphy. Also, by two daughters and five sons as follows: Mrs. GeorgeBENNETT, John and Roy BEEDLE, of this county; Mrs. L. H. WEBBER, of Ankeny, Wesley,of Mason City, Hiram, of Truman, Minnesota and Guy, of Dresser Junction, Wisconsin.
His failing health extended over a period of about two years. A few days priorto his death, he went to visit his daughter, Mrs. George BENNETT, of Douglas Township,where he suddenly took ill and died. Funeral services and burial were held at theJefferson Church, on the 11th. Rev. Mitchel of Van Meter, conducted the services.

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