Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 10, 1912

A HOME WEDDING. On the fourth day of January, 1912, at high noon, Mr. Walter EISLE of near Earlham, and Miss Frances B. CADE of Jefferson Township, were united in holy wedlock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles CADE. A pastor from Dexter performed the ceremony which joined together the honorable young people "as long as they both shall live." Mr. EISLE and wife need no introduction to our community as they are both well and favorably known. Mr. EISLE is the oldest son of William EISLE, a well known farmer and stock raiser of near Earlham. Mr. EISLE and his bride will be at home to their many friends on a farm southwest of Earlham. May their fondest wishes be realized.


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 17, 1912

HOTEL de HORSE CHANGES HANDS. Winterset's leading livery, the Hotel de Horse, changed hands last week, with O. B. VAN HOSEN selling to J. M. FUDGE. The FUDGE farm goes to VAN HOSEN in the exchange. Mr. FUDGE has already taken possession and advertises a closing out farm sale in this issue of the Madisonian.

E. E. MCCALL MOVES OFFICE. E. E. MCCALL, who has occupied the rooms over the TARLETON & DARNELL clothing store since starting up in business in 1883, is moving this week to the suite of rooms over the Winterset Savings Bank. The new location is one of the best in the city but it will seem strange without the land sign at the northwest corner of the square.

SMITH - ORRIS WEDDING. A quiet wedding took place on Saturday, January 5th, when Miss Winifred ORRIS and Mr. Clark SMITH were united in marriage at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. J. S. CORKEY. Mr. Francis MINTURN and Miss Josephine WINTRODE accompanied them. After the ceremony, which took place at six o'clock, the bridal party enjoyed a wedding supper at the home of the bride. They are among Winterset's most popular young people and the Madisonian joins with their many friends in best wishes for their married life.


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 21, 1912

Boy Gets Hurt in Clothes Wringer. Curtis CROSS, son of Mr. & Mrs. Bert CROSS of East Court Avenue, was badly injured in a clothes wringer propelled by electric current on last Saturday. The boy was in the basement, assisting with the washing. In feeding the clothes into the wringer, his hand was caught and wound through the wringer as far as the elbow. Several bones of the hand were badly broken.


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 26, 1912

BISHOP - JOHNSON WEDDING. Samuel BISHOP, of Council Bluffs, and Miss Alma JOHNSON of Winterset, were united in holy wedlock at the home of the bride's father, John F. JOHNSON, one mile west of town, Friday, December 29, 1911, with Rev. A. A. WALBURN performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. BISHOP start in live with health and faith, both in themselves and the future. They will shortly be at home in Council Bluffs. May their fondest hopes be realized.

APPRECIATIVE BOARDERS. Mrs. Smith HANN celebrated her 47th birthday last Sunday. She was assisted by her numerous boarders at the Stanfield Hotel, where she is the ruling spirit in the culinary department. A set of resolutions, commending and thanking her for the excellent fare she places before her patrons, was signed by a dozen of the regulars who hope she may continue administering to them for many years to come.

Ralph GIBSON and Effie MOORE
Lester B. MAHAN and Augusta M. WILCOX
William E. Hall and Lucy Pearl HALL
Charley CLARK and Lorana GILESPIE

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