Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
February 4, 1912

The Lincoln Farmer's Club, planned and carried out a successful surprise last Friday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. LEINARD, in honor of the recent marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur LEINARD.Eight families of the club were represented and some invited guests outside of the organization. A beautiful rocker was presented to the newly wedded couple.Oysters and fruit were served and after a very pleasant evening, all departed, leaving an abundance of good wishes that these young people may spend many years of true happiness together.


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
February 7, 1912

The February term of court convened on Tuesday with Judge W. H. FAHEY, of Perry, on the bench. A. docket consisting of 23 criminal cases; 65 law actions or cases tried to a jury; 69 equity cases and 23 matters in probate constitutes the business for the term.
The grand jury was empaneled on Tuesday afternoon and instructed by the court. The following persons were drawn for the present grand jury:
An assignment of equity work has been made as follows:
Wednesday Assignment - Orson L. EARLY - MCCONNLEE vs. WELTY
Thursday Assignment - HOCHSTETLER, adm. vs. DEVAULT
Friday Assignment - STOUT et al vs. STOUT el al - NELSON vs. EVANS
Six wills are set for probate for the present term, being the last wills of:


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
February 14, 1912

STORCK - BREEDING WEDDING. On Wednesday, February 7th, at 3 p.m., at the M. E. parsonage in Winterset, Mr. Paul STORCK and Miss Rella E. BREEDING of Winterset, were united in holy wedlock, with Rev. WALBURN performing the ceremony. Mr. STORCK is a young farmer, being the son of Gerhardt STORCK, while his bride is the esteemed daughter of Mrs. F. A. BREEDING. Both of these young people are Iowa products - both by birth and by education. They face the future with intelligence, health and good sense. They will be at home on a farm near Van Meter, where they will be pleased to entertain their friends. May a kind providence ever over shadow them.


The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
February 28, 1912

CLARK - GILLESPIE WEDDING. The home of Mrs. Elvia GILLESPIE of Jackson township was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, December 21st, when her daughter, Lurana May, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Herbert CLARK, with Rev. R. L. WILSON officiating. The home was tastefully decorated in yellow and white. Carnations and daffodils were used in the decorations. The bride who was gowned in white chiffon satin, wore lilies of the valley and carried bride's roses. The groom was attired in a neat suit of black. The Mendelssohn wedding march was preceded by a violin solo of "Melody of Love," rendered by Miss Ethel MCKRAY. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. The bride has been a successful school teacher and at present teaches a class at Pitzer U. P. Sunday School. The groom is an industrious young farmer of Adair County. The best wishes of a host of friends attended them. Among the guests from a distance were Walter and Margaret TAYLOR, of Charlton; Ralph BUNCE of Valley Junction; Orill and Frank BUNCE, of Greenfield; Mrs. R. C. Crouse, of Chicago and Lela BROOKER, of Des Moines.

KALE - STORMS WEDDING. At the county farm on Sunday, February 25th, at 2:30 p.m., in the presence of about fifteen personal friends, Mr. Joseph KALE, of Winterset, and Miss Bessie STORMS, of Oklahoma, were united in holy wedlock, with Rev. A. A. WALBURN performing the ceremony. Mr. KALE is well known in this community as a good, honest and industruous man. His bride recently came from Oklahoma. We trust that a kind providence may bless them in life's journey. Mr. & Mrs. KALE will be pleased to see their friends at their home in the southeast part of town.

WILKINSON - SMITH WEDDING. At the home of Mr. & Mrs. E. C. ZIMMERMAN, of East Peru, occurred the marriage of Clyde L. WILKINSON and Miss Ruth SMITH on Thursday, February 22nd, at high noon. Only a few relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. BREWER, of Peru. Mr. WILKINSON is the son of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. WILKINSON, and the bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. SMITH, of this city. Mr. WILKINSON is proprietor of the drug store at Peru, where they will begin housekeeping at once.

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