Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
July 12, 1906

W. C. TRAUTWEIN, an Attorney at Law and Mayor of the town of Macksburg, died yesterdayafternoon from heart failure. He was a native of Brown County, Ohio and receivedhis education at Ada College in that state. Before locating at Macksburg about twoyears ago, he practiced for a short time at Davenport, Iowa. His wife, Mrs. NelllieTRAUTWEIN survives him.

East Peru: Cards are out announcing the forthcoming marriage of Miss Edith M. GREENof this place to Mr. Louie E. ORWAN of Lorimor, which happy event will be solemnizedat the family home on the 18th.

Peru: Clarence MEADER'S little 2 year old babe died on the 3rd from whooping coughand lung fever.

The elopement and marriage of Tommy LANDIS and Miss Beulah BAKER, children of well-to-doparents of this town occurred in Des Moines on the 4th. It seems that the BAKER'S objected to this union on account of the youth of the couple and especially so theage of the girl. The bride was under age and there have been threats of arrests,but as this would only aggravate and complicate affairs, it is to be hoped matterswill be amicably adjusted without further difficulties.

Earlham: Uncle David MILLS died at his home in Earlham on Wednesday, July 4th aftera long illness.

Scott Twp: The Frank BOWLSBY'S have a new baby.

The little 4 year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Oscar SMITH, who live 4 miles northof Kasson, died on Tuesday of last week and was buried on the following day. Thecause of her death is somewhat of a mystery, though it is thought she received internalinjuries inflicted either by an old sow or a weanling colt. Only one bruise wasfound on her body and that was not sufficient to have caused her death.

Scott Twp.: Mr. & Mrs. Elmer STUART mourn the death of their infant daughter,which occurred on July 4th.

St. Charles: Andy BLAIR had the misfortune to cut the end off his finger in theseparator last Saturday.

Mrs. William HENDERSON started Monday evening to Valley Springs, South Dakota, havingreceived word of the death by drowning of her only brother.

Patterson: Mrs. Rebecca LAND, sister of J. W. & Cyrus CROSSLEY, died on Wednesdaymorning at the home of her daughter in Hastings, Nebraska. The remains were broughtto Des Moines, her former home, on Friday and interment made at that place.

A double marriage took place recently, Mr. Joseph SMITH, of this place was marriedto Miss Minnie RHODES, of St. Mary on July 3rd and on July 5th, Mr. Elijah RHODES,of St. Mary, and Miss Mary SMITH, of this place were married. Father WIELS, ofChurchville, performed both ceremonies.

Crawford: J. BURKE, of Lida, was summoned to Wisconson last week to attend his father'sfuneral.

Macksburg: Mrs. Mary A. KEELER, who had been an invalid for many years, died ather home about 4 miles west of here, last Thursday, July 5th. The deceased was bornin Union County, Ohio on August 6, 1826. She came with her parents to Keokuk County,Iowa in 1847. She was married to Baker KEELER in 1856 and was the mother of 2, ofwhom Mrs. Laura HAMILTON and Lincoln KEELER survive her. She was a half-sister ofthe late Rev. Arthur BADLEY. The funeral services were conducted at the home ofthe deceased. The interment was made at the Kivitt Cemetery.

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