Iowa Old Press

The Winterset News
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
November 16, 1905

Mr. & Mrs. Myles YOUNG has issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Georgia KENSLER, to Mr. Charles SPURGIN, to take place at the bride's home on Wednesday evening, November 29th.

Friends of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. STONE, of Mystic, Iowa, formerly residents of St. Charles, are pained to learn of the death of their bright little son, Marvel, whose funeral was held on the 6th.

Notice of Contest, of the Last Will and Testament of William HOGG.

Elm Grove Church is one of the oldest in the county and dates back to within a year or two of the organization of the county. The church was first erected about 40 years ago, previous to which time, meetings were held at the residence of uncle William ALLCOCK, who, with the ALLEN's, came from Missouri in an early day and were the first settlers in that part of Scott and South townships.

St. Charles: Lizzie WHEELER, and intelligent and accomplished young lady, whose parents formerly resided in this city and in Winterset, and who has been a musical student in Des Moines in the past year, has recently succumbed to over-work, has been adjudged insane and placed in the asylum at Clarinda. The family of this young lady reside in California.

Born to Mr. & Mrs. J. R. PATTERSON, on Sunday, November 12th, a son.

Truro: Arthur CARMEN visited his father, who lives in Kansas and reports that his grandmother, Mrs. BICOURT, who is in her 103rd year, to be in feeble health.

Born to Samuel PORTER and wife, on November 11th, a girl.

Bert ROY, son of J. L. ROY, of Lincoln township, died at his home on Wednesday evening of diabetes.

Aunt Athia BELL, widow of George BELL, died on Monday at the home of her son, Newt BELL, who lives east of Earlham, in Dallas county. Burial was held on Thursday at the Blair Chapel Cemetery, near the deceased's former home. Mr. & Mrs. BELL were among the pioneer settlers of the county, moving here from Ohio in the early 50's. Their first homestead was located on what is now the John BRUCE farm in Crawford township and Mr. BELL was afterwards the owner of the old grist mill on Middle River. Mrs. BELL was spared to her friends and relatives to the ripe old age of 85 years.

Crawford: A son was born a few days ago to Mr. & Mrs. Neil ENRIGHT.

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