Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
March 23, 1905

On account of bad roads, there was not a large turn out at the Good Roads Associationmeeting, held on March 15th.

The marriage of Thomas AITCHISON and Miss Zelza SAWHILL, both of Jackson Township,will be solemnized at the SAWHILL home at 7 o'clock this evening, with Rev. W. R.SAWHILL, brother of the bride, officiating

District Court: A new trial was refused Ed MORLEY convicted of breaking and entering,and he was sentenced to 3 years in the penitentiary. His appeal bond was fixed at$1.000.00.

Macksburg: On March 17th, occurred the funeral of Emanuel Berry of the CongregationalChurch, just northwest of Macksburg, the body being interred at the Kivitt Cemetery.

Macksburg: Tuesday morning, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and thecondition of the roads, the Mayor, J. H. BEAMER, in company with Miss Rena JOHNSON,our efficient milliner, drove to Winterset, where they were married.

News has been received here of the death of Dolphin HUTCHINGS at Indianapolis, Indiana.He was the father of John HUTCHINGS, who was so well known here. he was 89 yearsold and was the last of a family of 14 of which Joseph was one.

Married at the Arcade hotel, March 22nd, Miss Tressie CLEMENTS, of Macksburg, toMelvin R. Huston, of Monroe Township, by the Rev. Fred BERRY.

Union Township: On Monday afternoon, at the U. B. Church, occurred the funeral ofWilliam BANKER, of Adel, formerly of Jefferson Township.

Mrs. REHARD filed information against Lee ATCHISON, charging him with inebriacy.Evidence was heard and the court indicated it would send him to the inebriate asylum.Mr. ATCHISON had no attorney to represent him and could not procure one. He thereforeasked the judge to appoint one for him. He was told that the law does not containa provision of this kind and it was refused.

Proof of Will: Samuel A. ROSS

Married at the Baptist parsonage, William E. HENDDRICKS, of Union Township and EdnaA. Brown, of Douglas Township, on Tuesday evening, March 21st.

Pitzer: Mr. & Mrs. William FORBES received a telegram from Illinois announcingthe sudden death of Mr. BIRKLEHAUGH, Mrs. FORBES'S father.

Married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. John LITTON, was Miss Retta LITTON,of Winterset, to Mr. Charles H. WICKS of Pitzer. The ceremony was performed at 2o'clock p.m., March 22nd, by the Rev. Fred BERRY. They will make their home nearPitzer.

Penn Township: August BLOOMQUIST'S little child died last Sunday.

Mr. & Mrs. D. P. ZONDERMAN are rejoicing over the arrival of a 10 pound boy,born Saturday, the 18th,

The marriage of John C. SAWHILL, of Jackson Township, and Miss Flora LEDLIE, wassolemnized at the bride's home in Carlisle, Iowa, at high noon on Wednesday, the22nd. Rev. W. R. SAWHILL, of Washington, and Rev. J. D. GRAHAM, of Carlisle officiating.

Married at Ross CORNMAN'S, on March 20th, M. E. CROSSLEY and Miss Etta TROTTER, bothof Patterson, with R. W. MATHENY officiating.

Last Sunday evening, at the home of John MCKEE, occurred the marriage of V. P. GUTHRIE,son of Dr. GUTHRIE and Miss Effie MCKEE.

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
March 30, 1905

George WIGHT, of Webster Township, is the victim of a most distressing accident whichis a source of anxiety to his friends and family. Last fall his foot was smashedby a horse stepping on it and during his visit to Montana last winter, his foot wasbadly frozen from which blood poisoning has developed, necessitating amputation abovethe ankle joint. The operation was performed on last Friday and his progress hasbeen quite favorable.

Notice: John W. WELDNER vs. Alma L. WELDNER, divorce.

Fairview: Mr. & Mrs. Pete SNYDER were called to Adel last week by the illnessand death of Mrs. SNYDER'S father.

Born to Mr. & Mrs. Wesley MYERS, March 16th, a daughter.

St. Charles: Mrs. Hiram PHILLIPS, of South Township, is an intense sufferer fromcancer, which was recently removed from her side.

Miss Katie COE of Indianola, was brought to Fairview last Thursday for burial.

Truro: H. H. MUNSON will soon complete the first 100 washing machines that he holdsa patent on, at his factory in Truro.

Ray RINARD had the misfortune last week of getting a piece of steel in his eye, whichwill somewhat effect his sight.

The infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Marion SHEARER was buried on Friday. (died 3-24,buried at the Winterset Cemetery)

East Peru: After 5 months of suffering, the death angel came to the relief of Dr.P. N. LILLEY in the early morning of March 24th. The funeral sermon was preachedon the 25th at the M. E. Church, after which interment was made in the Peru Cemetery.

Monroe Township: Miss Lily DUDNEY and Mr. Wilbur MEASE were married on the 22ndof March in Winterset.

The body of Mrs. T. ALLEN, a sister of Alex GILLIAM and Mrs. Caleb ROLLINS, was broughtfrom her home in Council Bluffs for interment in the Kings Cemetery. The funeralservice was conducted by Rev. W. W. WILLIAMS on Saturday afternoon at the M. E. Church.

The infant son of Mr. & Mrs. BALDWIN was consigned to earth after funeral servicesat the Christian Church by Rev. J. CREGER.

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