Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
February 10, 1905

The following wedding notice appeared in a far western newspaper recently anas far as is known the editor still lives, tho he is still running --- Young AlfWINKLER and Sophia BEESLEY were married on Wednesday evening at the residence ofold man BEESLEY. No wedding cake has been sent to this office, for which we aretruly thankful. We understand the wedding cake was baked by Sophia. We could noteat it, but it came in handy just the same. We cut it with a chisel and used thechunks for sinkers when we went fishing. We suppose it will be expected that weannounce that the groom is a rising young man of the community. The fact is, heis a four-tined clerk in HORSFORD'S livery stable for $20.00 per month. The jobis about as big a one as he is able to hold down. There is nothing bad about Alf,but as a matter of fact, he doesn't amount to two whoops and probably never will. Some of his friends think that Alf will settle down now that he is married, butas far as!
we are concerned, we would much rather that he settle up.

About 4 last Friday morning the general store at Pitzer was discovered to beon fire and all hope of saving past. Elmer BROOKER, the owner, was away. His familyand Miss Alta MOORE were asleep in the residence a few feet away. They were awakenedin time to save about half of their household goods. Both buildings were burnedto the ground.

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