Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co. Iowa
May 14, 1903

F. S. HAMMOND of this city has received the sad announcement of the death of his eldest son, F. C. HAMMOND who died at Indian Creek, California, on April 19th. The deceased was 28 years old and leaves a wife and one child.

Robert HEDRICK, living northwest of Wick, committed suicide by shooting himself with a 22 caliber revolver on last Friday about 4 p.m. He had been in poor health for some time. He was 31 years of age and unmarried.

Elm Grove: The funeral of Obediah ALLEN was largely attended at the Elm Grove church on Sunday. Those from a distance were his sons and their wives from Des Moines, his brothers, Thomas ALLEN from Council Bluffs, and Jonathan ALLEN and son from Prole, Warren county and his sister, Phoebe HAMNER from north of Winterset.

Will ROLLSTIN is expected home on the 13th after an absence of about 8 years, during which time he was engaged in missionary work in Japan.

Alta THORNGURG JACKSON, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William THORNGURG, was born in Madison County, December 15, 1879. She was married to Andrew JACKSON on January 30, 1898. To them were born three children, two boys and one girl. She died May 7, 1903. The funeral services were conducted by E. E. BENNETT from the Christian Union church, after which the remains were tenderly laid to rest in the old Baptist cemetery northeast of town.

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