Iowa Old Press

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
May 11, 1900


The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
May 17, 1900

All citizens of Madison County who were opposed to the sale and consumption of liquorwere invited to attend a prohibitionist meeting at the Madison County Courthouse.The purpose of the meeting was to elect delegates to the statewide meeting in DesMoines, to be held in June.

The town council of Orient was commended for its purchase of a new fire engine toprotect the town from possible devastation.

A bit of controversy surrounded what was to be a "friendly" game of baseballbetween the high school teams from St. Charles and Indianola. One of the Indianolanine, ran into the St. Charles first baseman, breaking the latter's collarbone. Followingthe incident, the Indianola team won the game.

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
May 18, 1900

Mr. W. A. LYON passed away at the home of his son, J. P. LYON, Saturday, May 12th.The deceased was born in Fountain County, Indiana on July 27, 1832 and was marriedto CAROLINE ANDERSON at Champaigne, Illinois, on October 19, 1854. In the followingyear he moved to Jones County, Iowa. He buried his wife there in 1876. He moved toWinterset in 1884. He leaves 7 children to mourn his loss, 3 sons and 4 daughters:JOHN F., of Winterset; ROBERT, of Oklahoma; WILLIAM, of Chicago; MRS. MARY C. LEFEVER,of Spaulding; MRS. EFFIE WATTERS and IDA FRANCES LYON, who rive in Chicago. He wasburied at Antioch, Jones County, Iowa, beside his wife who was laid to rest 25 yearsago.

Born to MR. & MRS. LANSON HOWELL, a son.

Born to MR. & MRS C. H. LEASEMAN & wife, a son.

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
May 18, 1900

Friends of MRS. STELLA WILSON-CALHOUN will be pleased to hear that she is the motherof a daughter.

On Tuesday, May 8th, MR. & MRS. A. SIMPSON received a telegram from near NeoshoFalls, Kansas, stating that their son GEORGE, had committed suicide by shooting himselfthrough the head with a revolver, the bullet entering his head near the right eye.He was raised near Barney and moved to Kansas about 6 months ago. He leaves a wifeand a little boy, 4 years old and 3 sisters and 5 brothers.

The REV. MYERS, of Creston, was buried at the Moon Cemetery on the 4th. (May)

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
May 25, 1900

SAMUEL RANKIN was born in Lafayette County, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1810 and died atWinterset on May 20th. (1900) He was twice married. His first wife, NANCY CALLEY,was buried in Oklahoma. She was the mother of 8 children, 6 of whom are still living.AARON RANKIN, of Maryville, Missouri; MRS. CLARA HILLMAN, of Lorimor, Iowa; JAMESRANKIN, of Winterset; MRS. HANNAH ILES, of Osceola, Iowa; BENONA, of Truro, Iowaand FRANKLIN RANKIN, of Salt Lake City. His second marriage in 1858 was to SARAHE. DISDENS, who survives him. To the last marriage, 4 children were born, MRS. LAURASKINNER and ORVILLE RANKIN, residing at Winterset. He came to Madison County in 1876and resided at Peru until 3 years ago. His body was laid to rest by the side of hisson, Willis, who died 2 years ago. (Winterset Cemetery)

Proof of Will for: DAVID F. REESE

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
May 24, 1900

Obit: Samuel RANKIN was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania and died at Winterset,May 20th, aged 90 years. He had been married twice. His firs wife, Nancy CALLEY,left 8 children. His second wife was Sarah E. DISELMS, and to them 4 children wereborn. The following are the surviving children: Aaron RANKIN, Marysville, Mo.; Mrs.Clara HILLMAN, Lorimor; James RANKIN, Winterser; Mrs. Hannah ILES, Osceola; BenonaRANKIN, Winterset; Franklin RANKIN, Salt Lake City, Ut.; Mrs. Laura SKINNER, Winterset;and Orville RANKIN, of Lincoln Township, Madison Co. His funeral services were heldat the residence on Tuesday morning and his remains were placed in the cemetery bythe side of his son Willis, who died two years ago. (burial was at the WintersetCemetery)

Mrs. Hannah DUFF, widow of David DUFF, died Sunday (May 20th) at her home in MadisonTownship and was buried on Monday. (burial at Worthington Cemetery)

Married: At the Christian Parsonage, Thursday evening, May 17th, by Rev. FOLLANSBEE,was Levi LUKECART, of Red Oak, (Iowa) and Mrs. Rebecca MALLOM.

Obit: Reuel B. POWELL was born in Marion County, Indiana, December 4, 1845 anddied at his home in Madison Township, April 28th, at the age of 54 years, 4 monthsand 24 days. He moved with his parents from Indiana in the year 1853. He was marriedto Talitha J. GOFF, September 25, 1864. (in Madison County) To them were born 12children, 4 sons and 8 daughters. His wife, 4 sons and 5 daughters survive him. (burialat the Powell Cemetery)

Marriage: Monday May 21st, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church, John NOLAN and aLizzie HARTLY, with Rev. STAHL officiating.

Obit: John BANCROFT was born in Lincolnshire, England, November 19, 1824. He cameto America in the autumn of 1837, landing at New Orleans, and from there went toDearborn County, Indiana. In 1847, upon his birthday, he married Elizabeth JOHNSONwith whom he had an acquaintance in England. He moved to Madison County in 1853 andfor 47 years was a resident of Monroe Township and died upon the old homestead April17th. (1900) To his 1st marriage were born 4 children. On May 7, 1857, his 1st wifedied and on the 24th day of the same month, the youngest child also died. On May20, 1858, he married Mrs. Elizabeth (BUTLER) CHENOWETH, who died on July 5, 1892.On May 12, 1893, he married Viola JOICE. To the last marriage one child was born.He leaves a wife and 4 children: George M, Fairhope, Alabama; Mrs. Walter NEEDS,Lorimor; Charles C., Barney; and the little girl, Mary Bertha. He was buried at WintersetCemetery.

Barney: C. H. LEASEMAN and wife have a new baby boy at their home.

Harry HARRELL, accused of the crime of attempt to commit rape on one Julia REINKE,of Bevington, was acquitted.

Died, Sunday, May 20th, Mrs. LOVELACE, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. S.MCGINNIS, in the west part of town. Funeral services were held here on Monday andTuesday the remains were interred at Newton (Jasper Co.) Iowa, beside those of herfirst husband.

Two local criminals, DALY and BREWSTER, were found guilty in the Madison Countycourt. The case had attracted statewide attention for the brutality of their crimes.DALY was sentenced to 58 years in prison, and BREWSTER to 38 years for the followingcrimes: conspiracy, assisting a prisoner to escape, larceny, highway robbery, larcenyfrom a building, burglary, and assault with intent of commit bodily injury.

Henry FUDGE and Dave GREEN were plowing near the Middle River, four miles southeastof Winterset, when they unearthed a human skeleton. Beads, copper bracelets, andgilt buttons found with the body led them to believe the body was of a Native Americanchief. The body was put on display at Dr. DAVENPORT'S office and drew a large crowd.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
May 24, 1900

Samuel RANKIN was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and died at Winterseton may 20th , aged 90 years. He had been married twice. His first wife, Nancy CALLEY,left 8 children. His second wife was, Sarah E. DISELMS, and to them were born 4children. The following children are surviving: Aaron RANKIN, Marysville, Misourri;Mrs. Clara HILLMAN, Lorimor; James RANKIN, Winterset; Mrs. Hannah ILES, Osceola;Benona RANKIN, Truro; Franklin RANKIN, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Laura SKINNER, Winterset;and Orville RANKIN, of Lincoln Township.
His funeral services were held at the residence on Tuesday morning and his remainswere placed in the cemetery by the side of his son, Willis, who died two years ago.(burial was at the Winterset Cemetery)

Marriage: At the Christian parsonage, on Thursday evening, May 17th, by Rev. FOLLANSBEE,Levi LUKECART, of Red Oak and Mrs. Rebecca MALLOM.

Mrs. Hannah DUFF, widow of David DUFF, died on Sundat at her home in MadisonTownship and was buried on Monday. (burial was at the Worthington Cemetery)

Harry HARRELL, accused of the crime of attempt to commit rape on one Julia REINKE,of Bevington, was aquitted.

John BANCROFT was born in Lincolnshire, Engalnd on November 19, 1824. He cameto America in the Autumn of 1837, landing at New Orleans, and from there went toDearborn County, Indiana. In 1847, upon his birthday, he married Elizabeth JOHNSONwhith whom he had an aquaintance in England. He moved to Madison County in 1853and for 47 years was a resident of Monroe Township, and died upon the old homesteadon April 17th.
To his 1st marriage were born 4 children. On May 7th. 1857, his wife died andon the 24th day of the same month, his youngest child also died. On May 20th 1858,he married Mrs. Elizabeth BUTLER CHENOWETH, who died on July 5, 1892. On May 12.,1893, he married Viola JOICE. To the last marriage one child was born.
He leaves a wife and 4 children: George M., Fairhope, Alabama; Mrs. Walter NEEDS,Lorimor; Charles C., Lorimor; and the little girl, Mary Bertha.
He is buried at the Winterset Cemetery.

On Monday, may 21st, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church, John NOLAN and LizzieHARTLY were married, with Rev. STAHL officiating.

Barney: C. H. LEASEMAN and wife have a new baby boy at their home.

Died on Sunday, May 20th, Mrs. LOVELACE, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.S. MCGINNIS, in the west part of town. Funeral services were held here on Mondayand Tuesday, the remains were interred at Newton, Iowa, beside those of her firsthusband.

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Madison County