Iowa Old Press

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
June 1, 1900

MRS. SAMUEL NULL, grandmother of FINLEY NULL and ALLIE REESE, died at the home ofDAVID REESE, deceased, Sunday of this week. She was an old pioneer, being 80 yearsold.

JOE MCGLONE died at the penitentiary last Saturday, after serving only a month ofa two year sentence. He was sent up from this county at the February term of courtfor burglarizing a store at Bevington.

GEORGE TAYLOR was arrested on day last week on the charge of selling mortgaged cattle.

CHARLIE ADDY & wife have a new daughter.

The Winterset News
Madison County, Iowa
June 8, 1900

Two deaths occurred at Truro last week. On Saturday, PETER GEARHARDT, died at a ripeold age. MR. GEARHARDT has lived in Ohio Township for a good many years and was oneof the oldest settlers of the county. His funeral was held on Sunday. (Young Cemetery)

On Sunday, MRS. SAM HUFFMAN, died of Cancer, leaving 3 children, all boys, the eldestof whom is 18. Her funeral was held on Monday.

THOMAS MCGOWEN, a former resident, died in Chicago a few weeks ago.

On Tuesday of last week, the infant son of MR. & MRS. LANSON HOWELL was buriedat the Montpelier Cemetery. (Crawford Township) The little child was about 4 weeksold.

JAMES YOUNG died at his home on Monday afternoon. (Blair Chapel Cemetery - wife wasNancy)

MRS. SPRINGER was buried at the Wallace Cemetery on Tuesday. She was 97 years ofage.

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
June 7, 1900

A tornado passed through the town of Earlham from the southeast corner of townto the northwest. The storm damaged several small buildings, trees and one barn.

Ernest SAVAGE of Des Moines, secured the agency for Singer Sewing Machines inMadison County. SAVAGE announced that he would open shop in a building across thestreet from the Madisonian.

Children's Day was observed by Winterset churches on the past Sunday. Churchesparticipating in the event included the Church of Christ; the Methodist Church; the Presbyterian Church; the Christian Church; the Baptist Church and the UnitedPresbyterian Church.

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Madison County