Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
December 7, 1899

Death Takes Mrs. Sarah HAZEN
Mrs. Sarah HAZEN, an old resident of Lee Township, met with a very sad death at her home on Friday, November 16th. She went to a well near the barn for a bucket of water and while pumping, the platform gave way and she fell into the well and was killed instantly. Her remains were buried at the U. B. cemetery. She leaves 3 children. (w/o Emerson; burial at Union Chapel Cemetery)

Born to Mr. & Mrs. W. T. CASON of Crawford Township, a son.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of James SIMPSON and Miss Jessie MILES, both of Patterson, on December 20th.

Monroe Township: Mr. & Mrs. WILLOUGHBY have a new baby girl.

St. Charles: Mr. J. Browne REED and Miss Rose Mary, daughter of Mrs. Belle SIMMONS, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother on Tuesday at high noon.

District Court:
C. W. THOMPSON plead guilty to an indictment charging him with keeping a gambling house and C. E. NICHOLSON plead guilty to the same charge. Lem ACHESON pled guilty to keeping a gambling house and C. ARMBREST for keeping liquor nuisance, plead not guilty. Frank STROWBRIDGE was indicted for the seduction of Isa TRAVIS, and was put on trial, and Wednesday night the jury brought a verdict of guilty. Sentence has not yet been passed.

A marriage on Tuesday, November 28th, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ann HUTCHINS, in Jefferson Township, her daughter, Miss Leo and Mr. A. D. MCLEAN, of Lamar, Colorado.

Twins were born to Mr. & Mrs. George CROFT on Friday last. One of them died on Tuesday.

Mr. & Mrs. J. W. DABNEY have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Myrtle, to Samuel C. SMITH. The wedding will take place on Wednesday evening, December 20th.

Administrative Notice: Amelia HAYMOND, H. B. FARQUHAR, Administrator

Proof of Will: Calvin BALLARD

Executive Notice: Calvin BALLARD, S. A. BALLARD, Executrix

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