Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
June 25, 1897

Born on June 22nd, to MR. & MRS. FRED LENTZ, of Jackson Township, a son.

The news has reached here that MR. ELMUND PEED, of this place, who is absent on aneastward trip, was recently married near Salem, Indiana to a lady of that locality.

On account of the arrest and conviction of the Winterset bootleggers, the REV. A.JACOBS & T. K. YOUNG got into an altercation on the street Wednesday. On accountof alleged threatening language used by YOUNG, JACOBS had him arrested and he wasarraigned before JUSTICE, KOON. He gave bond in the sum of $100.00 to keep the peace,awaiting the action of the grand jury. The matter will probably be dropped.

Married on Wednesday, June 23rd, at 8 o'clock P.M., at the home of the bride's parents,were MR. & MRS., E. F. CONNORAN, in this city. MR. D. W. SMITH and MISS DAISYCONNORAN witnessed and REV. A. JACOBS officiated.

In loving remembrance of little CLAUDE, the infant son of JAMES and KATE STEPHENSON,who died on June 18, 1897.

Married in Winterset were, C. L. WILSON of Winterset and MISS LIZZIE EMBREE on Wednesdaynight, June 16th.

Jackson Township possesses a sadly afflicted family this week, that of MR. JOHN ARMSTRONG.A week or more ago, diphtheria was detected in his family and a quarantine was establishedby the trustees for the board of health. The disease attacked two of his family,a daughter of 19 and a son of 11. The daughter died at about 4 PM on Wednesday morningand the son shortly before noon. The board of health made all preparation and attendedto the burials. On account of the quarantine, neighbors and friends could not beallowed to assist.

A large party of old and young, met at CORNELIUS HINE'S on the 18th to celebrateMr. H's 75th birthday.

The infant son of MR. & MRS., J. R. SPRAGUE, of Valley Junction, was buried lastweek at the Catholic cemetery in Lee Township.

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