The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
July 21, 1897
Obituary: Miles KELLOGG was born in Butler County, Ohio on May 5th, 1823 and diedat his home near Winterset on July 1, 1897, aged 74 years, 1 month and 25 days ofage.
When he was about 9 years of age, his parents moved to Fountain County, Indiana,where he grew to manhood. On the 3rd of July, 1845, he was married to Miss ElizabethSMITH, who was born in Butler County, Ohio, but was raised in Fountain County, Indiana.Two children were born to them, both of whom are living and permitted to be presentand paid their last tribute of love to an affectionate father.
The great sorrow of his own life fell upon him when his wife, Elizabeth, died onMarch 10, 1892. After that sad day, he seemed to have little desire to mingle withthe world about him.
In 1845, Mr. KELLOGG moved to Iowa, stopping in Keokuk County for about six months.From thence, he moved to Mahaska County where he lived until he came to Madison Countyin 1855. After moving to Mahaska County, he and his wife united with the MethodistChurch. (burial at the Primitive Baptist Church, Union Township)
Monroe Township: Born to Harry SHELDON and wife, a girl.
Obituary: Effie D. HARRELL was born in Madison County on January 15, 1874 anddied on July 14, 1897. Effie was the 5th one of Mrs. HARRELL'S children, besidesher husband, who have preceded her to the better land. There are 5 children leftto comfort her in her declining years. The funeral was held at the Bethel M. E. Church.(burial at the Winterset Cemetery)
Mr. Frank S. LEMAR and Miss Laura BASH were married in Winterset on Monday ofthis week, before Judge WILKINSON.
The 14 month old child of John STANDFIELD died last Saturday as a result of Phosphoruspoisoning, caused by eating the heads of matches. The child with its mother was visitingat the time, at the home of its grandfather, Eugene STORRS, of Union Township. (burialat the Winterset Cemetery)
About 10 o'clock this morning an accident occurred on the TRACY farm, 4 mileswest of town, that caused almost instant death to Tom NICHOLL, a 16 year old ladworking on the place. He was a son of James NICHOLL who lives at St. Mary's in WarrenCounty.