Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
August 24, 1894

Married by J. C. SNODGRASS, J.P., at his office on August 17th, were BURT SCARBOROUGHof Madison Township and REBECCA MCGEE of Dallas County.

HARRIET C. CASKEY has commenced divorce proceedings through her attorney, JOHN A.GUIHER, against her husband, GEORGE W. CASKEY, who is the postmaster of Truro. Theywere married 13 years ago in Warren County and have 2 children, ages 6 and 13. Shecharges her husband with abuse, personal violence, and temporary abandonment. Sheprays for divorce and alimony of one half of the defendants property and the custodyof the youngest child, ANZI O. CASKEY.

A former Winterset young man, and former Winterset young woman, MR. LEONARD MOTTand MISS ANNIE BARRUS, met at Stuart, Nebraska, where they will be married, thenceto MR. MOTT'S home in South Dakota.

MR. PATRICK SWIFT, the aged father of station agent JAMES SWIFT, of this place, diedin Des Moines, last Saturday of paralysis, aged 74 years. He had lived a good manyyears in Crawford Township. He leaves 3 sons and 1 daughter and will be buried inMadison County at the St. Patrick's Cemetery in Lee Township.

MRS. SILVERTHORN, wife of OLIVER SILVERTHORN, of Webster Township, died at St. Joseph,from the effects of a surgical operation. She will be buried in Union Township inAdair County.

The infant child of MR. & MRS. RUSSELL BAILEY died suddenly last week and thefuneral was held at the Blair Chapel last Saturday.

MR. TRUMAN SPENCER, an old resident of Lee Township, died last Monday at Galva, Illinois,to which place he removed 2 or 3 years ago. His son, HENRY SPENCER, of Lee Township,and his daughter, MRS. IRA SMITH, also of Lee Township, went to Galva too attendthe funeral.

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