Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
May 1, 1891

Married in Winterset on April 29th, by the Rev. W. E. STANLEY, were William H. KIPPand Miss Anna MARTIN.

Dr. J. HINSHAW'S mother died at her home at Indianola last week. Dr. HINSHAW waswith her for a few days before her death. It will be remembered that we reportedthe death of his father just last week. He has the sympathy of numerous friends.

Alexander SAWHILL, an old citizen of Walnut Township, died on Sunday last. We didnot learn the particulars of his sickness and death.

McBride Township: Two more arrivals - A girl at Seth BRITTAIN'S and one at JohnCOX'S.

Harvey Lee, the infant son of Francis and Ida (May) MCDONALD, of Douglas Township,died on April 27th and was buried the next day, with the Rev. W. E. STANLEY officiatingat the funeral service. (burial at the McDonald-Chase Cemetery)

Dead Letter List: Miss Evelyn BRAMHALL; Miss Sadie HALL; Miss Jennie POFFINBARGER;Mrs. James STRONG; E. B. ROBINSON.

The community was greatly shocked Tuesday morning to hear that Mrs. T. J. HUDSONhad been suddenly stricken down by a failure of the nervous system, for many hoursat a time, lying unconscious, then recovering a little, only to relapse in unconsciousnessand helplessness again. The greatest fears are entertained that she will not recover.

A. F. MITCHELL, of Ohio Township, was brought before the Commissioners of Insanityon Tuesday and adjudged insane and taken to the asylum at Clarinda. He was broughtup one day last week, but the commissioners deeming the evidence insufficient, didnot hold him. The next time more conclusive evidence was brought and the findingmade accordingly. he was insane once before while living in Colorado. It is a greatmisfortune for himself and for his family in which they deserve the sympathy of theirneighbors and friends.

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