Iowa Old Press

Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
April 3, 1891

The city was considerably excited last Sunday morning by the report that circulatedrapidly, that N. J. STRUBLE, who for several months has been the proprietor of theSt. Nicholas Hotel, had been detected in company with lewd women in rooms in thehotel, and but a few feet away from the rooms occupied by his wife and family. Thatalso, STRUBLE has been for some time running into habits of drunkenness and all kindsof debauchery, has been perfectly well known to any one in a position to observe. But it was hardly to be supposed that he would have so little regard for the feelingsof his family as to engage in such practices in his own house, and that a publichouse, to which he invited patronage.
We do not pretend to go into details of the disgraceful affair, but there seemsto be no doubt but that two abandoned women came from Des Moines on Saturday eveningand took rooms at the hotel. STRUBLE'S wife, who was already informed of the kindof life he had been leading, seeing that up till one o'clock on Sunday morning hehad not come to his room, instituted an examination of the premises and having satisfiedherself of the situation of affairs, sent for the marshal, who came to the house,but did not see fit to make any arrests. A storm ensued, of course, but it finallyended in STRUBLE'S signing over to his wife all his interest in what property hehad, she paying him two hundred dollars, with which to leave the country, which hedid on Monday morning, going over to Peru to take his departure via Diagonal forDes Moines.
Common report also connects other parties with the case, but of this little seemsto be definitely known.

On last Friday, March 27th, occurred the 40th anniversary of the marriage ofMr. & Mrs. J. M. HOBSON, of this city. They have 8 children, all living and13 grandchildren living and one who died. They have 2 daughters, married and livingin Kansas, and 1 married and 1 single son living in Nebraska and 1 son married andliving near this city and 2 daughters and on son living at home.
One daughter, Mrs. CHICK, with 3 children, came from Kansas to be present atthe celebration. Six of their children and 4 of their grandchildren were present. The worthy parents each received an elegant rocking chair from their children. Mr. & Mrs. HOBSON have lived in Madison County since 1864.

Proof of Will: Martha C. ORR.

Born to Mr. & Mrs. D. M. COE, on March 25th, a son.

Married at the residence of the bride's parents, on March 29th, Mr. Charles E.DUNCAN and Miss Cynthia BERRY, all of Madison County, with Rev.J. H. CREGER officiating.

Also married by Rev. J. H. CREGER on the same day, and also at the home of thebride's parents, Mr. Joseph FENIMORE and Miss Amanda F. YOUNG., all of Madison County.

Born to Mr. & Mrs. C. (Chalen) DANFORTH on March 28th, a son.

Dead letter file: Mrs. Mary HUSTON.

The cows were presented with the freedom of the city on the first of this month,although the law does not give them their liberty until May 1st.

Henry WALLACE of Des Moines, was in town last week. While here he sold his houseand lot on west Jefferson Street. He intends to take a trip to Europe this summer.

Ira SHEARER and wife are happy over the arrival of a new son.

Marriage Licenses:
John W. MALONE and Rosa MURRAY
Charles E. DUNCAN and Cynthia BERRY

Mrs. J. R. SILLIMAN died on March 27th and was buried in the Winterset Cemeteryon the 28th.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset Madison Co., Iowa
April 10, 1891

Word was received in the city this week from Monmouth, Illinois, that Mrs. AndrewGRAHAM, formerly of this county, died at Monmouth last Saturday evening.

Dead Letter File:
Mrs. Frances CUMMINGS
Marion MOORE

Crawford Township: Death has visited us again and claimed the little child of Mr.& Mrs. B. Johnson of Bevington.

Marriage Licenses:
W. F. KING and Millie KINGERY
Henry D. CREGER and Mary M. WEAVER
George ALLER and Margaret MALONE

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
April 17, 1891

Marshal's Notice: All manure must be moved out of the alleys and taken out of thecity limits on or before the first day of May. Persons can use all the manure theywant on gardens or other land provided they plow it under. Otherwise, it will notbe allowed to be deposited in the city limits. This law will be enforced. J. S.WHITE, Marshal

Proof of Will: Jane KING

Marriage Licenses:
Nelson C. GORDON and Mary C. BASS
Jesse LEEPER and Lydia M. G. EPPARD

Thomas HILLMAN, an inmate of the poor house, died on the 19th inst. He was 70 yearsof age.

Dr. HINSHAW was again called to Indianola last week by a change for the worse inhis father's condition. It proved to be the old gentleman's fatal attack, as hedied soon after his son's arrival.

Dead Letter List:

McBride: There are many new arrivals in the vicinity, among whom is a girl at L.M. NOLAN'S; a boy at A. D. FLETCHER'S; a boy at Alec ADDY'S; a kid of the sternerset at R. J. SPRAGG'S; and R. J. steps as high as a Shanghai rooster.

Grand River Township: Dr. BURKE, our new physician, reports the arrival of a findboy at W. W. PROCTOR'S.

Married in Winterset at the SHULT'S house, on April 16th, by Rev. W. E. STANLEY,was Jesse LEEPER and Lydia M. G. EPPARD, of Jackson Township.

The city will lease the city park grounds for pasture purposes for the season of1891. For particulars, inquire of Councilmen JONES or DANFORTH.

Charles DONNER and Edith RICHMOND who were married in Creston about a week ago, havereturned and are now living in what is known as the PINDELL house.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
April 24, 1891

Married at the residence of the bride's mother in Scott Township, Mr. Thomas J. HOGGand Miss Rachel MOORE, on April 21st, by the Rev. J. H. CREGER.

The notice has just reached us of the death of Mrs. William EBERLE at her late residencein Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. EBERLE formerly lived in this city.

Dead Letter List: Miss Eliza CLOSE; Mrs. Mary L. GITTEAU; Mrs. Mary Hall; Miss RosyREXROAT; Matt DAVIS; L. L. MOSCER; James REED Jr.

On Friday of last week, Ben WHITE was tried in the Mayor's Court on a charge of drunkenness.On the next day the Mayor gave his decision, finding him guilty and assessed a fineof ten dollars. Mr. WHITE will appeal to the District Court.

East Peru: On the 4th of April there was a wedding at Lincoln Lilley's. The happycouple were Henry CREGER and Melvina WEAVER. J. H. CREGER said the ceremony madetwo hearts beat as one.

Wellsprings: L. J. BALDWIN was buried there some weeks ago.

On Tuesday morning, about 4 o'clock, Mr. Henry COMP, whose home was just beyond thecorporate limits of Winterset, in Douglas Township, died after a long sickness. Formany months he had been slowly wasting away with the insidious disease, consumption.For weeks his death was constantly expected by his friends. Mr. COMP was one of themost enterprising and active citizens of Madison County and his death leaves a vacancy.

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