Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison County, Iowa
February 15, 1889

Obit: Died of consumption, at her home in Douglas Township, on February 7, 1889, Mrs. Caroline MCGEE, aged 53 years, 7 months and 26 day.
Caroline KALE, daughter of Reuben and Rebecca KALE, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, on June 11, 1835. At the age of 16 years, she made a profession of religion and united with the Methodest Church. On February 24, 1853, she was married to Matthew M. MCGEE. In the fall of the same year she and her husband emigrated to Iowa, stopping for a time in Monroe County and settling in Madison County in 1854, which has been their home every since. In the winter of 1855 she transferred her membership to the Christian Church. She leaves a husband and 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. (burial was at the Winterset Cemetery)

Mr. & Mrs. John BIGGS wish to make known their heartfelt gratitude to the people of Winterset for their kindness during the death and burial of their little one.

Mrs. NEAL, a widow lady whose home for some years has been in Union Township, in this county, died at her home on Sunday night. She leaves a family of grown up children. (Martha Ann, w/o Robert, d. 2-10-1889, 51y, 10m, 3d - burial, Neal Cemetery)

George GARRETT, now in the employ of WELCH & GARRETT, has taken unto himself a wife, Emma ELLIS of Clark Co. The wedding occurred at the residence of the bride's mother a few days ago.

The infant child of Mr. & Mrs. John BIGGS died on Monday morning after an illness of but one day. Mr. BIGGS is foreman in the Madisonian office.

Mrs. Charles FORD, of Jackson Township, died very suddenly last Monday morning. She leaves a husband and 5 children, the oldest of whom is 14. The maiden name of the deceased was Theresa BUNN. She was a half-sister of Mr. H. TOBIN, of this city.
(burial was at the Eppard - Pitzer Cemetery)

Died at Great Bend, Kansas, on February 4th, of consumption, Hershell HOWELL, formerly of Winterset. He was the oldest son of our friend David HOWELL, who removed a few years ago to Barton County, Kansas

Obit: Died, at her late home in Lincoln Township, on February 11, 1889, Mrs. M. V. BEERBOWER, in her 64th year.
Margaret Virginia WOLGAMOT, was born in Washington County, Maryland, December 29, 1825. She removed to Ohio in 1841, was married to G. A. BEERBOWER in 1842. She was united with the M. E. Church in 1848, and came to Winterset in 1852, and with her husband, united by letter with the church here. She has been the mother of 8 children, 3 who have preceded her in death.
The funeral took place from the late home on Tuesday, February 12th, conducted by the pastor and the remains were laid at rest by the side of her dear Jessie in the city cemetery. (Winterset Cemetery)

Marriage Licenses: Charles H. KINGERY & Mary J. BERRY; J. G. ALEXANDER & Fanny SHELDON.

Dead Letter List: James T. ALEXANDER; John S. BAKER: Mr. B. F. JACKS; Michael MCORRUNNERY; Miss Amanda MORTON; Mr. E. S. NICHOLS; Mr. J. STEPHENS; Frances TUCKER; Miss Sadie WOLF.

Patterson: Mr. Will ROGERS drew $2,500.00 in a lottery. He seems to be the happiest man in Patterson.

Proof of Will: Margaret V. BEERBOWER.

Obit: Mr. Joseph R. CHANDLER was born in Bellmont County, Ohio, on August 26th 1838. He came to Iowa early in the year 1862 and enlisted as a private in the Union Army during the same year. He was a member of Co. H, 22nd Reg., Iowa Volunteers. He was wounded at Vicksburg, but continued in the service until the close of the war.
He married Miss Mattie CASSIDAY, of Winterset on December 24, 1875, who with one little daughter, survive him. He was living at Des Moines (Iowa) at the time of his death. (burial at the Winterset Cemetery)

Walnut & Ohio Townships: Mr. William PARKER, who has been guilty of some crookedness in selling mortgaged property and forging a note, has left for parts unknown.

Born to W. R. WALKER and wife, on January 30th, a son.

Born to J. M. CLIFTON and wife, on February 5th, a son.

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