Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
June 15, 1888

Thomas ACKLESON, of Walnut Township, died last week The funeral took place at Peruon Friday. (burial at the Primitive Baptist Cemetery)

A young child (Gaile) of W. F. Russell, of Omaha, formerly of this city, died lastweek and was brought her for burial last Saturday evening. (burial at the WintersetCemetery)

The city of Winterset will now have a new engine house and city hall. Our peopleare more progressive than some of the croakers would have us believe.

Administration Notice: Edward D. BRADSHAW; David BRADSHAW, administrator.

We have observed the new plat of the addition of 1886 to the Winterset Cemetery. It is certainly laid out with much taste, and when properly shaded, will go farto relieve the natural gloom of the city of the dead.

William MEKEMSON, of Jacksonville Township, who last fall pled guilty of forgery,and was sentenced to the penitentiary for one year, has been pardoned by Gov. LARRABEE. This certainly is a case in which executive clemency was rightly used.

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