Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
October 14, 1886

Mrs. Abbott has a young daughter and Mrs. Fitzpatrick is very proud of her grand-daughter.

Mott's slaughter house, one mile north of town, caught fire Tuesday and burned down.

Lew Harris, who has been suffering from the past several months from a stroke ofparalysis, died last week and was buried Thursday. His young wife has the sympathyof a large circle of friends in her bereavement.

Mr. James Simonds, of Penn Township, after a severe illness since last May, diedon the 3rd of October. He leaves a wife and three children.

Mr. Walter Cardell, of Perry and Miss Fannie Sims of this place, were married atthe home of the bride's parents on Court Avenue on Tuesday morning.

Jennie Lind was 65 years old last Monday

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