Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
March 11, 1885

Married, March 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, Samuel Klingensmith,by R. D. Hopkins, J. P., was Mr. George H. Edwards and Miss Lizzie Klingensmith,all of Monroe Township.

A son of Tom Jay, of Penn Center, died Friday with the measles.

The Winterset Madisonian
March 19, 1885

Married on March 15th, at the residence of Lewis Hains of Lincoln Township, by theRev. George W. Miller, was Mr. Andrew L. Phillips and Miss Rose M. Cornman.

Miss Maggie Duff, daughter of James Duff of Madison Township, died last Friday.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
March 19, 1885

Rev. W. D. BENNETT was at Prescott, Adams County, last week for the purpose of deliveringa lecture.

The friends of Miss Lydia THOMPSON tendered her a surprise party on Monday evening.

Lloyd SHOOP has been employed as an assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank. A worthyposition, worthily bestowed.

The new City Government was organized on last Monday night. George A. TURBETT waselected Marshall; O. M. WHITE, City Clerk; J. D. HOLBROOK; Street Commissioner andJohn GOWIN, Sexton of the Cemetery.

Tommy MULLINNIX has been quite sick for the past week.

Miss Maggie DUFF, daughter of James DUFF, of Madison Township, died last Friday.

Mrs. G. D. PALMER spent Sunday visiting friends in New Sharon.

Mr. & Mrs. William HEDGE have returned from their southern trip.

Ray SUMNER has purchased a half interest in the restaurant on the west side. Thefirm's name is KEEFE & SUMNER.

Our friend, A. J. CONNELEE, of Lincoln Township, left last week with his goods forWichita, Kansas. His wife will soon follow. They will make this their future home. The Madisonian with its best wishes follows them.

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