Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
December 18, 1880

Since last Saturday, the clerk has issued marriage licenses to the following parties:C. D. Constable and Sarah E. Griffin; Alonzo Duncan and Ermina Lightener and L. W.Mitchell and Martha Ella Young.

Births: Girls to , Charles Cade and wife; J.P. Steele and wife; Charles Fullheartand wife; J. H. Miller and wife. Boys to, James Morgan and wife.

The Winterset Madisonian
December 22, 1880

Mr. Martin Griswold, of Penn Township, died last week, Tuesday, of Typhoid fever.Mr. Griswold's family have all been very sick of the fever, but are now out of danger.

Elder H. Ellis, who married Mrs. Kendall of this place last winter, recently diedat his home in Bainbridge, Indiana. Mrs. Ellis will probably return to Wintersetto live.

The Winterset Madisonian
December 29, 1880

One death reported last week, that of Franklin Wight. (Son of James E. and HarrietM. (Howard) Wight, was badly burned when his clothing caught fire and died severalhours later of those injuries)

Mr. Charles Thrift and Miss Della Harrell were married at the home of the bride'smother in Monroe Township, Saturday night. Both are very worthy people.

Marriage licenses issued to: Charles Thrift and Della Harrell; J. A. Wilkins andMaggie Jenner; M.A. Carthy and Luella Algier; F. B. Steel and Ida Nichol; C. J. Buchananand Mary C. McDowell; John Anderson and Fanny Stewart, W. H. Vance and Lucy M. Nichols;E. G. Porter and Elizabeth Reither.

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