Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
March 28, 1878

In Memorandum: Died, March 23rd, at the residence of her father, in Douglas Township,Harriet, daughter of J. C. and A. E. Wilson. She was born in Des Moines County, Iowaon January 5th 1847 and was afflicted with spinal disease since birth.

Mr. H. M. Roberts, who was lately sent to the Asylum at Mt. Pleasant, has returnedhome fully recovered, the news of which his many friends will be glad to hear.

Henry McCauley was fined $10.00 for scalding a cow where he worked.

An 11 year old son of Mr. Sidney Robinson, of Grand River Township, was killed lastSunday morning about 10 o'clock. He started to a well, some distance from the house,leading a colt, and after arriving at the well, it is supposed that he threw thehalter strap over his shoulder and by some means got it fast around his neck. Thecolt started running, dragging the boy by the neck in which way he was killed.

Marriage: At the bride's father's home in Madison Township, on March 12th, with Rev.G. P. Raitt officiating, Mr. Jacob Overhaulser and Miss Mary H.Harrah were married.

Marriage: In Winterset, on the 24th day of March, by George Koon, J.P., were Mr.C. S. Osborn and Miss Lizzie E. Adkins, all of this county.

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