Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
January 7, 1877

Mr. William Stafford and Miss Emma Betts were recently married in Kansas.

Mr. William Danforth buried a little one Wednesday. The disease was the croup.

Mr. Herbert Johnson and Miss Margery Cooper were married in Indiana on Christmasevening. They were both formerly residents here.

T. H. Porter, who a few years ago was sent to the penitentiary for killing his father,under the sentence of the District Court, was pardoned by the Governor on Christmasand has returned home.

Mr. & Mrs. Dayton Barnett, of Earlham, have been called upon to mourn the lossof a two year old darling. Scarlet fever is reported to be the cause of death.

An insane man stopped at the house of W. N. Bowman, in Monroe Township, on Mondayevening last, who presented a sorry spectacle. He said he had lain outdoors all winter,and his feet were badly frozen. He seemed to be in a terrible fright, imagining thata mob was after him. He gave his name as Dunn and said he had been falsely accusedof murdering his wife and children near Sioux City. From Mr. Bowman's, he went west.The authorities should look after him.

Married: On Christmas eve, (December 24th) at the residence of J. D. White, by J.C. Ellis, J.P., was William Thornbrew of Clark County and Sarah A. White of MadisonCounty.

Married: At the residence of the bride's father in Galveston, Indiana, on December24th, Mr. Herbert E. Johnson and Miss Margery J. Cooper, formerly of Winterset.

Notice: Nancy C. Ellis vs. M. D. Ellis in divorce proceedings.

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